An employee must not engage, either on a paid or unpaid basis, in teaching, lecturing, or writing for the purpose of the special preparation of a person or class of persons for an examination of the Office of Personnel Management or Board of Examiners for the Foreign Service, or for appointment in the U.S. Postal Service, when these activities are dependent on information obtained as a result of his or her employment with the Postal Service, except when that information has been made available to the general public, or will be made available on request, or when the Postmaster General gives written authorization that the use of nonpublic information is in the public interest.
No employee shall take sick leave to enable himself to engage in outside work.
No employee while acting in his official capacity shall directly or indirectly authorize, permit, or participate in any action, event or course of conduct which subjects any person to discrimination, or results in any person being discriminated against, on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, national origin, or age.
No employee shall engage in criminal, dishonest, notoriously disgraceful or immoral conduct, or other conduct prejudicial to the Postal Service. Conviction of a violation of any criminal statute may be grounds for disciplinary action by the Postal Service in addition to any other penalty imposed by or pursuant to statute.
No employee shall habitually use intoxicating beverages to excess. No employee shall drink beer, wine, or other intoxicating beverages while on duty. No employee shall begin work or return to duty while intoxicated. No employee shall drink intoxicating beverages in a public place while in uniform. Unless the Postmaster General specifically authorizes an exception (as in the case, for example, of an official reception) no employee shall have or bring any container of beer, wine, or other intoxicating beverage on premises occupied by a postal facility, whether or not the container has been opened.
Illegal use of drugs may be grounds for removal from the Postal Service.
No employee while on property owned or leased by the Postal Service or the United States or while on duty, shall participate in any gambling activity, including the operation of a gambling device, in conducting or acting as an agent for a lottery or pool, in conducting a game for money or property, or in selling or purchasing a numbers slip or ticket.
Code of Federal Regulations
Paragraph (g) of this section does not prohibit participation in activities specified herein if participation is necessitated by an employee's law enforcement duties, or if participation is in accordance with section 7 of Executive Order No. 12353, of March 23, 1982, relating to agency-approved solicitations.
Code of Federal Regulations
[39 FR 1990, Jan. 16, 1974; 39 FR 3677, Jan. 28, 1974, as amended at 48 FR 48231, Oct. 18, 1983. Redesignated and amended at 60 FR 47244, Sept. 11, 1995; 72 FR 49195, Aug. 28, 2007]