The purpose of this section is to provide procedures by which an individual may have access and request amendment to personal information within a Privacy Act System of Records.
(a) Submission of Requests—
(1) Manner of submission.
Inquiries regarding the contents of records systems or access or amendment to personal information should be submitted in writing to the custodian of the official record, if known, or to the Manager, Records Office, U.S. Postal Service, 475 L'Enfant Plaza SW., Washington, DC 20260, telephone (202) 268-2608. Requests submitted to the Office of Inspector General should be submitted to the Freedom of Information Act/Privacy Officer, Office of Inspector General, 1735 North Lynn Street, Arlington, Virginia, 22209-2020. Inquiries should be clearly marked, “Privacy Act Request”. Any inquiry concerning a specific system of records should provide the Postal Service with the information contained under “Notification” for that system as published in the Federal Register. If the information supplied is insufficient to locate or identify the record, the requester will be notified promptly and, if possible, informed of additional information required. If the requester is not a Postal Service employee, he should designate the post office at which he wishes to review or obtain copies of records. Amendment requests contest the relevance, accuracy, timeliness or completeness of the record and will include a statement of the amendment requested.
(2) Third party inquiries.
Anyone desiring to review or copy records pertaining to another person must have the written consent of that person.
(3) Period for response by custodian.
Upon receipt of an inquiry, the custodian will respond with an acknowledgement of receipt within ten (10) days. If the inquiry requires the custodian to determine whether a particular record exists, the inquirer shall be informed of this determination as a part of the acknowledgement letter.
(b) Compliance with Request for Access—
(1) Notification of time and place for inspection.
When a requested record has been identified and is to be disclosed, the custodian shall ensure that the record is made available promptly and shall immediately notify the requester where and when the record will be available for inspection or copying. Postal Service records will normally be available for inspection and copying during regular business hours at the postal facilities at which they are maintained. The custodian may, however, designate other reasonable locations and times for inspection and copying of some or all of the records within his custody.
(2) Identification of requester.
The requester must present personal identification sufficient to satisfy the custodian as to his identity prior to record review. Examples of sufficient identification are a valid driver's license, Medicare card, and employee identification cards.
(3) Responsibilities of requester.
The requester shall assume the following responsibilities regarding the review of official personal records:
Requester must agree not to leave Postal Services premises with official records unless specifically given a copy for that purpose by the custodian or his representative.
Requester must sign a statement indicating he has reviewed a specific record(s) or category of record.
Requester may be accompanied by a person he so chooses to aid in the inspection of information; however, requester must furnish the Postal Service with written authorization for such review in that person's presence.
(4) Special rules for medical records.
A medical record shall be disclosed to the requester to whom it pertains unless, in the judgment of the medical officer, access to such record could have an adverse effect upon such individual. When the medical officer determines that the disclosure of medical information could have an adverse effect upon the individual to whom it pertains, the medical officer will transmit such information to a medical doctor named by the requesting individual.
(5) Limitations on access.
Nothing in this section shall allow an individual access to any information compiled in reasonable anticipation of a civil action or proceeding. Other limitations on access are those specifically addressed in §§ 266.6(b)(4) and 266.9.
(6) Response when compliance is not possible.
A reply denying a written request to review a record shall be in writing signed by the custodian or other appropriate official and shall be made only if such a record does not exist or does not contain personal information relating to the requester, or is exempt from disclosure. This reply shall include a statement regarding the determining factors of denial, and the right to appeal to denial to the General Counsel.
(c) Compliance With Request for Amendment.
Correct or eliminate any information that is found to be incomplete, inaccurate, not relevant to a statutory purpose of the Postal Service, or not timely and notify the requester when this action is complete, or
Not later than thirty (30) working days after receipt of a request to amend, notify the requester of a determination not to amend and of the requester's right to appeal, or to submit, in lieu of an appeal, a statement of reasonable length setting forth a position regarding the disputed information to be attached to the contested personal record.
(d) Availability of Assistance in Exercising Rights.
The Manager, Records Office is available to provide an individual with assistance in exercising rights pursuant to this part.
Code of Federal Regulations
[40 FR 45723, Oct. 2, 1975, as amended at 45 FR 44272, July 1, 1980; 51 FR 26386, July 23, 1986; 60 FR 57345, Nov. 15, 1995; 64 FR 41291, July 30, 1999; 67 FR 16024, Apr. 4, 2002; 68 FR 56560, Oct. 1, 2003]