(a) Policy.
The Postal Service cooperates with Federal Agencies whenever the overall costs to Government will be reduced. Assistance in a number of special projects and programs is provided when the knowledge and abilities of postal employees are helpful.
(b) Reimbursement.
The Postal Service establishes reasonable fees and charges for nonpostal services performed for agencies of the Federal as well as State governments. In establishing such fees and charges, the Postal Service considers the value of time of the personnel directly involved in the performance of the service, including direct supervision and supporting functions, plus the cost of materials and supplies specifically sold, used or consumed. Also included is an element representing a reasonable share of Postal Service general overhead costs which are not attributable or assignable specifically to any product or service. The establishment of such fees and charges shall be reasonably consistent with the methods employed in establishing rates and fees for postal services then in effect.
Except as provided in paragraph (d) of this section, arrangements for Postal Service participation in special surveys, censuses, and other activities must be made between the national headquarters of the requesting agencies and the Customer Services Department, U.S. Postal Service, Washington, DC 20260. Refer all requests to the Regional Postmaster General for forwarding to Headquarters. Authority to perform services for Government agencies is announced in the Postal Bulletin or by individual letters to the offices involved.
(d) Housing Vacancy Surveys—
(1) General.
An interagency agreement between the U.S. Postal Service (USPS) and the Federal Home Loan Bank Board (FHLBB) establishes the terms and conditions and reimbursement rates under which USPS will conduct Housing Vacancy Surveys in City Delivery offices when requested by FHLBB.
(2) Restrictions.
The Agreement only authorizes the disclosure of aggregate statistical data. Postal managers must not permit the name or address of any past or present postal patron, or any other person to be disclosed unless such disclosure is authorized in writing by USPS Regions or Headquarters and is not in violation of 39 U.S.C. 412.
(3) Postmaster's Responsibility.
A postmaster will receive notification from FHLBB when his office has been selected to conduct a Housing Vacancy Survey. Normally, written notification will be mailed to the postmaster 30 days in advance of the date FHLBB would like USPS to conduct the survey, since USPS is under no obligation to use overtime or auxiliary assistance to conduct these surveys. The postmaster or his designee will schedule the survey on or near the date requested and will promptly reply to FHLBB so that the necessary forms will be provided on time.
All necessary forms and instructions will be supplied directly to each post office to be surveyed. Postmasters will designate a manager in each delivery unit to coordinate the survey within the unit and to review completed survey forms for accuracy.
FHLBB may request USPS to perform special or emergency surveys with less than 30 days advance notice. Since FHLBB has agreed to reimburse USPS at twice the normal rates for promptly performing such surveys, every reasonable effort should be made to accommodate such requests in a timely manner.
Housing Vacancy Surveys will not be conducted during the month of December of any year.
Postmasters will notify the Office of Delivery and Collection, Washington, DC 20260, of the number of each type survey form completed for FHLBB. FHLBB will then remit payment directly to Headquarters, USPS.
USPS will not release or publish any survey results except in response to a court order, subpoena, or as required by the Freedom of Information Act.
(e) Unauthorized projects prohibited.
Do not conduct special surveys or otherwise participate in any cooperative projects without the authorization in paragraph (c) of this section.
Code of Federal Regulations
39 U.S.C. 401, 411
Code of Federal Regulations
[36 FR 4773, Mar. 12, 1971, as amended at 40 FR 26511, June 24, 1975; 41 FR 56196, Dec. 27, 1976; 42 FR 58170, Nov. 8, 1977; 42 FR 63170, Dec. 15, 1977]