Individuals will not be charged a fee for:
The search and review of the record;
Any copies of the record produced as a necessary part of the process of making the record available for access;
Any copies of the requested record when it has been determined that access can only be accomplished by providing a copy of the record through the mail. The Privacy Protection Officer may provide additional copies of any record without charge when it is determined that it is in the interest of the Government to do so.
Except as provided in paragraph (a) of this section, fees will be charged for the duplication of records at a rate of 10¢ per page. If it is anticipated that the total fee chargeable to an individual under this subpart will exceed $25, the Corporation shall promptly notify the requester of the anticipated cost. An advance deposit equal to 50% of the anticipated total fee will be required unless waived by the Privacy Protection Officer. In notifying the requester of the anticipated fee, the Privacy Protection Officer shall extend an offer to the requester to consult so that the request might be reformulated in a manner which will reduce the fee, yet still meet the needs of the requester.
Fees must be paid in full prior to delivery of the requested copies. Remittances may be in the form of cash, personal check, bank draft or a postal money order. Remittances, other than cash shall be made payable to the Treasurer of the United States.
Code of Federal Regulations
[42 FR 5973, Feb. 1, 1977. Redesignated at 52 FR 34384, Sept. 11, 1987; 52 FR 39224, Oct. 21, 1987]