223.282—Deposit and expenditure of collected fees.
Funds collected under the pilot program for the harvest and sale of forest botanical products shall be deposited into a special account in the Treasury of the United States. These funds shall be available for expenditure at National Forests or National Grasslands where the funds were collected until September 30, 2010, unless the program is extended.
Funds deposited into the special account specified in paragraph (a) of this section shall be expended at a National Forest or National Grassland in an amount equal to the fees collected at that unit and shall be used to pay for the costs of:
Conducting inventories of forest botanical products;
Determining, monitoring, and revising sustainable harvest levels for forest botanical products;
Monitoring and assessing the impact of harvest levels and methods;
Conducting restoration activities, including vegetation restoration; and
Administering the pilot program, including environmental or other analyses.