As used in this part, qualified means that a person has met State approved or recognized certification, licensing, registration, or other comparable requirements that apply to the area in which the person is providing early intervention services.
Code of Federal Regulations
20 U.S.C. 1432(4)
Code of Federal Regulations
These regulations contain the following provisions relating to a State's responsibility to ensure that personnel are qualified to provide early intervention services:
1. Section 303.12(a)(4)
provides that early intervention services must meet State standards. This provision implements a requirement that is similar to a longstanding provision under part B of the Act (i.e., that the State educational agency establish standards and ensure that those standards are currently met for all programs providing special education and related services).
2. Section 303.12(a)(3)(ii)
provides that early intervention services must be provided by qualified personnel.
3. Section 303.361(b)
requires statewide systems to have policies and procedures relating to personnel standards.
Code of Federal Regulations
[58 FR 40959, July 30, 1993. Redesignated at 63 FR 18294, Apr. 14, 1998]