Where a vessel on the Seaway is involved in an accident or a dangerous occurrence, the master of the vessel shall report the accident or occurrence, pursuant to the requirements of the Transportation Safety Board Regulations, to the nearest Seaway station and Transport Canada Marine Safety or U.S. Coast Guard office as soon as possible and prior to departing the Seaway system.
Where a vessel approaching the Seaway with intent to transit has been involved in an accident in the course of its last voyage that might affect its ability to transit safely and expeditiously, the master of the vessel shall report the accident to the nearest Seaway station before entering the Seaway.
Code of Federal Regulations
[39 FR 10900, Mar. 22, 1974, as amended at 40 FR 11721, Mar. 13, 1975; 65 FR 52915, Aug. 31, 2000; 70 FR 12973, Mar. 17, 2005; 71 FR 5607, Feb. 2, 2006; 74 FR 18995, Apr. 27, 2009]