(a) The restricted area.
A rectangular area excluding St. George Island with the eastern boundary of the area west of the channel through St. George Island within the following co-ordinates: Beginning at a point designated as the northeast corner latitude 29°38′20″ N, longitude 84°58′30″ W; thence southeast to latitude 29°35′23″ N, longitude 84°56′54″ W; thence southwest to latitude 29°34′15″ N, longitude 85°00′35″ W; thence northwest to latitude 29°37′10″ N, longitude 85°02′00″ W; thence northeast to point of beginning.
(b) The regulations.
The area will be used twice daily and during usage will be restricted to navigation for a period of one hour. It may be used freely at all other times.
Patrol boats and aircraft will warn all persons and navigation out of the area before each testing period.
The regulations in this section shall be enforced by the Commander, Headquarters 4756th Air Defense Wing (Weapons) U. S. Air Force, Tyndall Air Force Base, Florida, and such other agencies as he may designate.
Code of Federal Regulations
[23 FR 5507, July 19, 1958, as amended at 23 FR 6555, Aug. 23, 1958. Redesignated at 50 FR 42696, Oct. 22, 1985, as amended at 62 FR 17555, Apr. 10, 1997]