(a) The area.
Beginning at latitude 37°01′03″, longitude 076°17′52″; thence to latitude 37°01′00″, longitude 076°16′11″; thence to latitude 36°59′43″, longitude 076°16′11″; thence to latitude 36°59′18″, longitude 076°17′52″; thence to latitude 37°00′05″, longitude 076°18′18″; thence north along the seawall to the point of beginning.
(b) The regulations.
Anchoring, trawling, fishing and dragging are prohibited in the restricted area, and no object, either attached to a vessel or otherwise, shall be placed on or near the bottom unless authorized by the Facility Manager, Naval Surface Warfare Center, Dahlgren Division Coastal Systems Station Detachment, Fort Monroe, Virginia.
This section shall be enforced by the Commander, Naval Base, Norfolk, Virginia, and such agencies as he may designate.
Code of Federal Regulations
[13 FR 6919, Nov. 24, 1948, as amended at 15 FR 2085, Apr. 13, 1950; 21 FR 421, Jan. 20, 1956; 21 FR 1593, Mar. 14, 1956. Redesignated at 50 FR 42696, Oct. 22, 1985, and further amended at 51 FR 4908, Feb. 10, 1986; 55 FR 45709, Oct. 31, 1990; 61 FR 34733, July 3, 1996]