(a) The area.
The waters within an area beginning at a point on the shore at latitude 36°53′17.4″ N, longitude 76°20′21″ W; thence easterly to latitude 36°53′16.8″ N, longitude 76°20′14.4″ W: thence southwesterly to latitude 36°53′00″ N, longitude 76°20′18″ W; thence southeasterly to latitude 36°52′55.2″ N, longitude 76°20′16.5″ W: thence southwesterly to latitude 36°52′52.2″ N, longitude 76°20′18″ W; thence southwesterly to latitude 36°52′49.8″ N, longitude 76°20′25.8″ W: thence northwesterly to latitude 36°52′58.2″ N, longitude 76°20′33.6″ W; thence northeasterly to a point on the shore at latitude 36°53′00″ N, longitude 76°20′30″ W; thence northerly along the shoreline to the point of beginning.
(b) The regulation.
No vessel or persons may enter the restricted area unless specific authorization is granted by the Commander, Navy Region, Mid-Atlantic and/or other persons or agencies as he/she may designate.
(c) Enforcement.
The regulation in this section, promulgated by the Corps of Engineers, shall be enforced by the Commander, Navy Region, Mid-Atlantic, and such agencies or persons as he/she may designate.
[67 FR 6654, Feb. 13, 2002]