(a) Legislative authority.
Section 107 of the River and Harbor Act of 1960, as amended by Section 310 of the River and Harbor Act of 1965, section 112 of the River and Harbor Act of 1970, and section 133(a) of the Water Resources Development Act, approved 22 October 1976, states:
(b) Operation and maintenance responsibility.
Projects for navigation constructed under the authority of Section 107 will be considered the same as authorized projects and are operated and maintained by the Corps of Engineers at Federal cost under the same procedures and policies as applied to projects specifically authorized by Congress. (Reference section 6, Pub. L. 93-251).
(c) Aids to navigation.
Planning and design of channel and other navigation improvements should give full consideration to the feasibility and costs of establishment by the Coast Guard of suitable aids to navigation. The costs for navigation aids to be provided by the Corps of Engineers, Coast Guard, State, and local interests, and similar project-associated costs, will be included in the economic analysis. Project associated expenditures by the Corps of Engineers for aids to navigation are included within the cost limitation under the Section 107 authority, but expenditures by the U.S. Coast Guard are not. The report appendix should reproduce the letter from the Coast Guard stating the estimated number, type and cost of navigation aids and their maintenance cost.
(d) Local cooperation.
Local cooperation requirements for projects under the Sec. 107 authority are those normally recommended for similar work authorized by Congress.
Code of Federal Regulations
[40 FR 51134, Nov. 3, 1975, as amended at 41 FR 56943, Dec. 30, 1976]