(a) Program budget.
Initial consideration of estimated project construction requirements (including funds for plans and specifications), should be given in the first Program budget submission following completion of Stage 2 planning ( § 263.15(c)(2) ). OCE elements designated in § 263.16(a) are responsible for issuing Program budget guidance to field operating agencies, formulating appropriate program budgets from field submissions, and submitting such budgets to DAEN-CWB.
To expedite budget preparation, field operating agencies should insure that budgetary data on the Continuing Authorities Program are sent directly to DAEN-CWP-A or DAEN-CWO, depending on the authority.
(b) Use of Program funds.
Funds appropriated by Congress under the legislative authorities of this Program will be utilized by the Corps of Engineers in conducting studies approved by Division Engineers, and in constructing projects approved by the Chief of Engineers. This does not preclude the use of private architect-engineer firms or other consultant services in Program implementation. No grants of Program funds will be made to local interests for conducting studies or constructing projects, nor shall contributions be made for features or benefits of projects constructed by another agency or by local interests. Reimbursement to local interests for work undertaken by them on an approved project normally will not be authorized; however, if the situation warrants consideration of such a provision, the procedures contained in ER 1165-2-18 may be followed to request OCE approval in advance of such action by local interests.
(c) Requests for funds.
Procedures for requesting Program funds are contained in § 263.17. Generally, requests will be made in four instances: After approval by Division Engineer to proceed with a feasibility study, after submission of a DPR to OCE and approval of the Division Engineer to proceed with plans and specifications, after OCE approval of a DPR for proceeding with project construction, and in other cases as required to revise the preceding requests. In the case of requesting funds for plans and specifications and project construction, deviations from amounts estimated in previous budget submissions, or contained in current approved Program budgets, will be briefly explained.
(d) Retention, revocation and transfer of funds.
Unobligated funds will be reported to DAEN-CWP-A or DAEN-CWO, depending on the study authority under which the funds were allotted, as soon as final costs for studies or construction are determined. When work on a study, plans and specifications, or project construction must be suspended for an unknown period of time, or suspended for an extended period, the above OCE elements are to be notified immediately by letter with the Division Engineer's recommendation regarding retention or revocation of unobligated funds held in that particular account. The authority for transfers and reporting requirements are contained in ER 11-2-201.
Code of Federal Regulations
[40 FR 51134, Nov. 3, 1975, as amended at 41 FR 56943, Dec. 30, 1976]