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263.17—Planning, design and construction procedures.

This paragraph prescribes procedures to be followed from the initiation of a Recon to completion of construction of a project. Division Engineers are to establish milestones as deemed appropriate, in accordance with ER 1105-2-10. Unless otherwise stated, all correspondence with OCE relating to the procedures in this paragraph will be addressed to HQDA (DAEN-CWP-E, C or W) WASH DC 20314 or HQDA (DAEN-CWO) WASH DC 20314, depending on the study authority, as provided for in § 263.16(a).
(a) Initiation of Reconnaissance. As outlined in § 263.15(c) Recon stage is designed to provide the Division Engineer with sufficient justification for authorizing a feasibility study. Reporting officers are to notify the Division Engineer and either DAEN-CWP-A or DAEN-CWO by letter when commencing a Recon. Such letter or teletype should give the date the Recon began and an identifying name. Charges may be made against the District revolving fund in amounts not to exceed $5,000. Exceptions to this limitation will require prior approval from DAEN-CWP or DAEN-CWO, depending on the study authority. Requests for such exceptions shall be justified by the reporting officer. The suggested scope of a Recon is more fully discussed in Appendix B. (See also ER 1105-2-811 for A-95 clearinghouse coordination requirements.)
(b) Approval for initiation of feasibility study. The Division Engineer is the approving authority for initiation of a feasibility study, and as such, will provide reporting offices with appropriate guidance on submission of a Recon letter report in accordance with the general policy stated in § 263.15(c).
(1) Once the Recon is completed, no further work may be accomplished without a work allowance and allotment from OCE.
(2) The recommendations from a Recon may be released by reporting officers to interested parties after action has been taken by the Division Engineer on the Recon report.
(3) In the case of emergencies under Section 14 or 3 Authorities, the Division Engineer may approve a Recon Report for immediate transmittal to OCE (in five copies) for approval and funding of recommended work. In such cases, the Chief of Engineers may approve exceptions to the requirements stated in paragraphs (e)(2) through (e)(5) of this section, as deemed advisable in the public interest.
(4) Except as provided in paragraph (b)(3) of this section, or when the Division Engineer desires OCE views, Recon reports will be transmitted to OCE for information only (in two copies).
(c) Request for funding of feasibility study. Reporting officers will request funding of an approved feasibility study, through Division Engineers, to DAEN-CWP-E, C or W or from DAEN-CWO in accordance with § 263.16(a). Requests will include the total estimated funding requirement by fiscal year for the feasibility study (including expenditures previously incurred in the Reconstage), consistent with the capability of the District to conduct the study. Requests for reimbursement for Recon expenditures when a feasibility study has not been approved will be made in a similar manner.
(d) Issuance of work allowance. Work allowances will be issued by DAEN-CWP or DAEN-CWO, as appropriate, based on available funds. Work on a feasibility study will not proceed until such work allowance has been issued. (See also part 384 of this chapter for A-95 clearinghouse coordination requirements.)
(e) Completion of feasibility study. Studies will be conducted in accordance with the policies given in § 263.15 and the planning process discussed in Appendix B. Division Engineers may request guidance from OCE, or schedule a Plan Formulation Review Conference with OCE, as they deem appropriate.
(1) Public meetings. Public meetings are not to be considered the only technique for informing the public of the results of feasibility studies or for soliciting input from the public. However, as a matter of policy, at least one public meeting is to be held during the feasibility study, as discussed in § 209.405 of this chapter. In certain instances, the reporting officer may feel that the Corps' objectives on public involvement have been achieved without holding a public meeting. Omission of the minimum requirement of one public meeting is to be an exception to policy and will require prior approval from the Division Engineer.
(2) Application of Federal planning criteria. In general, all Federal planning criteria applicable to studies specifically authorized by Congress are also applicable to studies conducted under this Program. Particular attention shall be given to the consideration of nonstructural solutions, consideration of a “no development” plan, and the assessment of impacts of alternative plans. Plans are to be formulated to provide the same independent and complete-within-itself project as recommended under regular authorization procedures.
(3) Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) requirements. Requirements for preparation, coordination and submittal of the EIS are contained in ER 1105-2-507. Studies conducted under Section 14 and 3 Authorities may not require an EIS, as provided in § 209.410(h) of this chapter.
(4) Cultural resources survey. A cultural resources survey shall be accomplished for the consideration of historic and cultural resources as part of the preparation of the DPR.
(5) Assurances of local cooperation. In addition to involvement of local interests throughout the planning process, a letter of intent shall be requested for specific items of local cooperation near the completion of Stage 2 planning ( § 263.15(c)(2) ). The letter of intent must be received from the non-Federal entities which will be ultimately signing a Section 221 agreement (paragraph (k) of this section), and will be transmitted with the DPR, or Recon report in the case of emergencies under Section 14 or 3 Authorities, together with an analysis of the reporting officer to demonstrate that such non-Federal entities are legally constituted, and have sufficient financial capabilities to satisfy all requirements of local cooperation.
(i) The reporting officer shall review draft local cooperation and repayment agreements with affected non-Federal interests, advising them of currently estimated costs, anticipated timing of costs, all typical provisions of the agreement or contract, and the timing of process of entering into a final, signed agreement or contract.
(ii) The letter of intent shall include verbatim all local cooperation requirements set forth in the Detailed Project Report, or the Recon report, if utilized for project approval; shall state that a review has been made of draft agreements or contracts; shall indicate an understanding of when final project costs are to be determined by the reporting officer; and shall include the following statement:

Code of Federal Regulations

In carrying out the specified non-Federal responsibilities for the (identification of work or project), (appropriate entity) agrees to comply with the provisions of the “Uniform Relocation Assistance and Real Property Acquisitions Policies Act of 1970”, Pub. L. 91-646, approved 2 January 1971; and Section 221, Pub. L. 91-611, approved 31 December 1970, as amended.
(iii) The letter of intent shall be signed or cosigned by the chief legal officer of the political subdivision furnishing the letter to the reporting officer. When a State or a department thereof is to be the sponsor, the Attorney General of that State is the approving authority.
(f) Submittal of Termination Letters or DPR to OCE. (1) If a feasibility study is terminated prior to the completion of a DPR, the Division Engineer will notify by letter DAEN-CWP-E, C or W or DAEN-CWO-M, depending on the study authority; such notification is to include reasons for termination, an accounting of expenditure of study funds, and the amount of funds to be returned to OCE. Release of unobligated funds will be effected as soon as possible. Revocation of funds by OCE officially terminates the study. The reporting officer shall notify Congressional delegations and local interests when the study has been officially terminated.
(2) If the feasibility study results in a DPR, ten (10) copies of the report, and related documentation required by § 263.15(e), will be transmitted with recommendations of the Division, Engineer to DAEN-CWP or DAEN-CWO, depending on the study authority (reference § 263.16(a) ). Exceptions to the requirements of paragraph (e) of this section should be noted in the letter of transmittal. In the review of a DPR, Division Engineers may refer any major disagreements with reporting officers on planning matters to DAEN-CWP-E, C or W, or on technical engineering matters to DAEN-CWE-B, for resolution prior to release of public notice and submittal of the final report to OCE.
(3) Upon submittal of a Detailed Project Report to OCE, the District Engineer shall release a public notice informing the public of the proposed action. This requirement may be accomplished by the Division Engineer, at his discretion. The notice need not invite comments but will include the address of the District and Division Engineer in the event that interested parties desire to request further information or comment on the recommendations. Public notices are not required when a feasibility study is terminated without submittal of a DPR (paragraph (f)(1) of this section), or when a Recon report is submitted to OCE for project approval (paragraph (b)(3) of this section).
(g) Work on plans and specifications. Division Engineers are delegated the authority to allow District Engineers to commence work on plans and specifications pending approval of a project by the Chief of Engineers, provided a satisfactory letter of intent ( § 263.17(e)(5)) has been received from local interests. Such work may be stopped, however, if review of the DPR by OCE reveals a policy problem affecting the project or the report recommendations. Work on plans and specifications should utilize all remaining funds from allocations for the feasibility study. Additional funds may be requested by separate letter, or included with the Division Engineer's favorable indorsement of a DPR.
(h) OCE review and approval of DPR or Recon Report. As indicated in paragraph 7a, designated OCE elements are responsible for review, staffing and coordination of the DPR, or Recon report when transmitted to OCE for approval. Maximum reliance will be placed on the review conducted by the Division Engineer. Comments will be solicited from DAEN-CWP, DAEN-CWR, and DAEN-GCC, only as required for approval of the recommended project. In all cases, a copy of the DPR will be forwarded to DAEN-CWE-B for information, and to DAEN-REA-P for review of local cooperation requirements, upon receipt from the Division Engineer. Review of DPR's by the BERH staff may be requested at the discretion of DAEN-CWP. In such instances, the Resident Member, BERH, will be requested to submit comments on the DPR to DAEN-CWP. Project approval normally will be accomplished by the Director of Civil Works, for the Chief of Engineers, in accordance with § 263.15(g).
(i) Notification of interested parties of action by the Chief of Engineers. Reporting officers are responsible for notification of all interested parties, including Congressional Delegations, States and local interests, of action taken by the Chief of Engineers on DPR's. Division Engineers may prescribe procedures for such notification as deemed necessary.
(j) Request for construction funds. Following receipt of DPR approval from OCE, reporting officers may submit a request for construction funds to DAEN-CWP or DAEN-CWO, depending on the Program authority, including an updated schedule of funding requirements by fiscal year based on an estimated date by which plans and specifications for the first construction contract will be completed. (See also § 263.20(a) concerning inclusion of these requests in budget submissions.)
(k) Approval of Local Cooperation Agreement. Prior to issuance of a work allowance by OCE for construction funds, a signed written agreement for local cooperation must be obtained and approved by the Secretary of the Army, or his designated representative, in accordance with ER 405-2-680. The signed agreement shall be transmitted to DAEN-REA-P together with a copy of the DPR or Recon report which approved the project or work.
(1) As required by ER 405-2-680, requirements of local cooperation are to be stated in the agreement verbatim from the approved project document. Any deviation shall be submitted to DAEN-CWP for approval by the Director of Civil Works, for the Chief of Engineers, prior to the reporting officer obtaining signatures on the agreement.
(2) After OCE approval of the agreement, a work allowance will be issued by DAEN-CWP or DAEN-CWO depending on the Program authority, based on availability of funds.
(l) Completion of Project Construction (RCS DAEN-CWB-16 ). Policies and procedures for projects constructed under specific Congressional authority, with the exception of budgetary submissions and funding matters, are applicable to projects constructed under this Program. At the completion of project construction, reporting officers shall:
(1) Notify DAEN-CWO and DAEN-CWP-A by letter, including a brief description of the completed project, the estimated requirements for operation and maintenance (Federal and non-Federal), the final Federal and non-Federal project costs, and the date on which the project was considered operational.
(2) Notify local interests that project construction has been completed and inform them of their operation and maintenance responsibilities and the operational characteristics of the project.

Code of Federal Regulations

[40 FR 51134, Nov. 3, 1975, as amended at 41 FR 56943, Dec. 30, 1976]