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(a) For non-Federal works undertaken prior to 17 November 1986, credit determinations (deferred until these guidelines became effective) will be made by the Secretary in response to the applications received prior to 31 March 1987. Future non-Federal works for which credit may be allowed under the provisions of section 104 of Pub. L. 99-662 are limited, basically, to local works undertaken while Federal preauthorizations studies of a Federal project for the locality are in progress. Credit consideration for such works will be governed by the procedures set forth here. Non-Federal entities desiring credit should confer with the District Engineer and submit a written application to him. The application will include a full description of planned work, plans, sketches, and similar engineering data and information sufficient to permit analysis of the local proposal.
(b) The District Engineer shall review the engineering adequacy of the local proposal and its relation to the Federal Plan and determine what part of the proposed local improvement would be eligible for credit. The District Engineer will forward his recommendations through the Division Engineer and the Chief of Engineers to the Assistant Secretary of the Army (Civil Works) and provide information on:
(1) Basis for concluding the local plan is appropriate in relation to the prospective Federal plan.
(2) Total estimated cost and benefits of creditable work.
(3) Environmental effects of the local work, including a brief statement of both beneficial and detrimental effects to significant resources.
(4) The urgency for proceeding with the local plan.
(c) Upon being informed of the Secretary's decision, the District Engineer shall reply by letter stating to the local applicant what local work and costs can reasonably be expected to be recommended for credit under the provisions of section 104 (assuming that the final plan for a Federal project, when it is ultimately recommended, remains such as to preserve the local work as a relevant element). If the improvement proposed by the non-Federal entity includes work that will not become a part of the Federal project, the means of determining the part eligible for credit shall be fully defined. This letter shall include the following conditions:
(1) This shall not be interpreted as a Federal assurance regarding later approval of any project nor shall it commit the United States to any type of reimbursement if a Federal project is not undertaken.
(2) This does not eliminate the need for compliance with other Federal, State, and local requirements, including any requirements for permits, Environmental Impact Statements, etc.
(3) Upon authorization of the Federal project, approval shall be subject to rescission if the non-Federal work has not commenced and, as a consequence, Corps planning for orderly implementation of the project is being adversely affected.
(d) The non-Federal entity will notify the District engineer when work commences. The District Engineer will conduct periodic and final inspections. Upon completion of local work, local interests shall provide the District Engineer details of the work accomplished and the actual costs directly associated therewith. The District Engineer shall audit claimed costs to ascertain and confirm those costs properly creditable and shall inform the non-Federal entity of the audit results.
(e) During further Corps studies, the local work actually accomplished that would constitute a legitimate part of the overall recommended Federal project may be incorporated within any plan later recommended for implementation.
(f) The District Engineer shall submit a copy of his letter and notification of creditable costs of completed work to the Secretary through the Division Engineer and the Chief of Engineers.
(g) All justification sheets supporting new start recommendations for Preconstruction Engineering and Design or Construction of projects will include information on credits in the paragraph on local cooperation. The information should include but not be limited to date of the District Engineer's letter to the sponsor pursuant to § 240.9(c) of this regulation, status of the creditable work, estimated or actual cost of the work and the estimated amount of credit.