(a) Purpose.
This regulation prescribes the minimum vertical clearances to be provided when relocating existing or constructing new power and communication lines over waters of reservoir projects.
(b) Applicability.
This regulation applies to all field operating agencies having Civil Works responsibilities.
(c) References.
ER 1180-1-1 ( Section 73 ).
National Electrical Safety Code (ANSI C2), available from IEEE Service Center, 445 Hoes Lane, Piscataway, N.J. 08854.
(d) Definitions—
(1) Design high water level.
The design high water level above which clearances are to be provided shall be either: (i) The elevation of the envelope profile of the 50 year flood, or flood series, routed through the reservoir with a full conservation pool after 50 years of sedimentation, or (ii) the elevation of the top of the flood control pool, whichever is higher.
(2) Low point of line.
The low point of the line shall be the elevation of the lowest point of the line taking into consideration all factors including temperature, loading and length of spans as outlined in the National Electrical Safety Code.
(3) Minimum vertical clearance.
The minimum vertical clearance shall be the distance from the design high water lever (paragraph (d)(1) of this section) to the low point of the line (paragraph (d)(2) of this section).
(e) Required clearances.
Minimum vertical clearances for power and communication lines over reservoirs shall not be less than required by section 23, rule 232 of the latest revision of the National Electrical Safety Code (ANSI C2).
In general, minimum vertical clearances shall not be less than shown in Table 232-1, Item 7, of ANSI C2, even for reservoirs or areas not suitable for sailboating or where sailboating is prohibited.
If clearances not in accordance with Table 232-1 of ANSI C2 are proposed, justification for the clearances should be provided.
(f) Navigable waters.
For parts of reservoirs that are designated as navigable waters of the United States, greater clearances will be provided if so required. The clearances required over navigable waters are covered by 33 CFR 322.5(i)(2) and are not affected by this regulation.
Code of Federal Regulations
[43 FR 14013, Apr. 4, 1978. Redesignated at 60 FR 19851, Apr. 21, 1995]