887.8—Where to apply for certificates.
For DD Form 363AF: Headquarters, Air Force Military Personnel Center, Officer Actions Branch (HQ AFMPC/DPMD00), Randolph AFB TX 78150-6001, for officers; and Headquarters, Air Force Military Personnel Center, Analysis and Certification Section (HQ AFMPC/DPMD0A2), Randolph AFB TX 78150-6001, for enlisted members. Applicants must attach a copy of the retirement order to SF 180 or letter.
All other certificates:
HQ AFMPC/DPMD00 for officers, and HQ AFMPC/DPMD0A2, for enlisted members, Randolph AFB TX 78150-6001 for:
Members on EAD or on the temporary disability retired list (TDRL).
General officers in retired pay status.
National Personnel Records Center, Military Personnel Records—Air Force (NPRC/MPR-AF), 9700 Page Boulevard, St. Louis MO 63132, for officers and enlisted members:
Completely separated from the Air Force or Air National Guard.
In a retired pay status, except general officers.
In the retired Reserve who cannot become eligible for retired pay.
Headquarters, Air Reserve Personnel Center, Reference Services Branch (HQ ARPC/DSMR), Denver CO 80280-5000, for Air National Guard and Air Force Reserve officers and enlisted members not on EAD, including retired Reserve who will be eligible for retired pay at age 60.