842.13—Staff Judge Advocates' responsibility.
(a) Major Command (MAJCOM).
All MAJCOM SJAs, whether or not exercising claims settlement authority are responsible for the general supervision of claims activities within their commands, including:
Conduct of periodic claims audits.
Support of claims teams. Members may be detailed from personnel assigned to the command to respond to natural disasters or serious incidents. If resources are not available from within the command, HQ USAF/JACC should be contacted for assistance.
Apportion claims funds allocated by HQ USAF.
At a minimum, through assistance visits and audits, supervises claims activities of those subordinate units and organizations assigned to them for claims purposes.
Appoints members to foreign claims commissions.
Monitors international claims.
Establishes and designates geographic areas of claims responsibility within the command, except for DOD designated single-service areas of responsibility.
(b) GCM:
The GCM SJA, whether or not he or she exercises claims settlement authority, is responsible for the general supervision of claims activities within the subordinate units.
The GCM SJA exercising settlement authority:
Settles certain claims.
Supervises directly the claims activities of their subordinate units. This includes at least assistance visits and audits for all but single base GCMs.
(c) Base SJAs:
Settle certain claims.
Have primary investigative responsibility for incidents giving rise to claims that occur in their geographic area of responsibility.
Notify HQ USAF/JACC through claims channels, if there is a question of which base can best investigate and process a particular claim.