776.79—The complaint.
Be in writing and be signed by the complainant;
State that the complainant has personal knowledge, or has otherwise received reliable information indicating, that:
The covered attorney concerned is, or has been, engaged in misconduct that demonstrates a lack of integrity, that constitutes a violation of subpart B of this part or a failure to meet the ethical standards of the profession; or
The covered attorney concerned is ethically, professionally, or morally unqualified to perform his or her duties; and
Contain a complete, factual statement of the acts or omissions constituting the substance of the complaint, as well as a description of any attempted resolution with the covered attorney concerned. Supporting statements, if any, should be attached to the complaint.
A complaint may be initiated by any person, including the Administrative Law Division of the Office of JAG (JAG (13)), or the Judge Advocate Research and Civil Law Branch, JA Division, HQMC (JAR).