In furtherance of the authority citations (which, if not found in local libraries, are available from the Office of the Judge Advocate General, 1322 Patterson Avenue, SE., Suite 3000, Washington Navy Yard DC 20374-5066), which require the Judge Advocate General of the Navy (JAG) to supervise the performance of legal services under JAG cognizance throughout the Department of the Navy (DON), this part is promulgated:
To establish Rules of Professional Conduct (subpart B of this part) for attorneys subject to this part;
To establish procedures (subpart C of this part) for receiving, processing, and taking action on complaints of professional misconduct made against attorneys practicing under the supervision of JAG, whether arising from professional legal activities in DON proceedings and matters, or arising from other, non-U.S. Government related professional legal activities or personal misconduct which suggests the attorney is ethically, professionally, or morally unqualified to perform legal services within the DON; and
To ensure quality legal services at all proceedings under the cognizance and supervision of the JAG.