Provide adjuncts to medical care to eligible beneficiaries receiving inpatient or outpatient care when, in the opinion of the attending physician, such adjuncts will offer substantial assistance in overcoming the handicap or condition and thereby contribute to the well-being of the beneficiary.
Unless necessary for humanitarian reasons, do not furnish orthopedic and prosthetic appliances on an elective basis to members of the naval service with short periods of service remaining when the defect requiring the appliance existed prior to entry into service and when such members will be separated from the service because of these defects.
For active duty members, make the initial allowance of orthopedic footwear and orthopedic alterations to standard footwear the same quantity as provided in the initial clothing allowance.
Base the number of orthopedic and prosthetic appliances issued or replaced for other authorized recipients upon the individual's requirements as determined by the attending physician to be consistent with the highest standards of modern medicine.
Former members of the uniformed service should be advised that they may obtain durable medical equipment, medical care, and adjuncts from Veterans Administration facilities.
Dependents are authorized certain adjuncts per §§ 728.31 (c) and (d) and in instances where items are not normally authorized at the expense of the Government, they may be provided at cost to the United States if available from Government stocks under the following conditions:
Outside the United States.
At specific stations within the United States which have been authorized by the Secretary of the Navy to sell these items.