728.60—Job Corps and Volunteers in Service to America (VISTA) beneficiaries.
(a) Beneficiaries.
Job Corps and VISTA enrollees and Job Corps applicants may be provided services as set forth. For former members, see § 728.53.
(b) Authorization required—
(1) Job Corps enrollees.
Presentation of a Job Corps Identification Card after appointment has been made by the corpsmember's Job Corps center.
(2) Job Corps applicants.
Presentation of a letter from a screening agency (e.g., State Employment Service) after an appointment has been made by that agency.
(3) VISTA Volunteers and VISTA Trainees.
A “Blue-Cross and Blue Shield Identification Card” is issued to such personnel as identification. Each card has a VISTA identification number which will be used on all records and correspondence.
(c) Care authorized.
Normally, medical services are provided only when civilian of VA facilities are not available. or if available, are incapable of providing needed services. However, upon presentation of an appropriate authorization, the following services may be rendered subject to the provisions of § 728.3.
Job Corps enrollees are authorized emergency medical care upon presentation of their Job Corps Identification Card; however, the corpsmember's Job Corps center should be notified immediately.
Job Corps applicants may be provided preenrollment physical examinations and immunizations on an outpatient basis only.
Job Corps enrollees, VISTA trainees, and VISTA volunteers are authorized:
Outpatient medical examinations, outpatient treatment, and immunizations.
Inpatient care for medical and surgical conditions which, in the opinion of the attending physician, will benefit from definitive care within a reasonable period of time. When found probable that a patient will require hospitalization in excess of 45 days, notify the Commander, Naval Medical Command (MEDCOM-33) by the most expeditious means.
Limit dental care to emergencies. Render only that care essential to relieve pain or prevent imminent loss of teeth. Beneficiaries seeking dental care will be requested to furnish, whenever possible, advanced authorization.
(d) Report.
Complete and submit, per subpart J, a DD 7 (Report of Treatment Furnished Pay Patients, Hospitalization Furnished, part A) or DD 7A (Report of Treatment Furnished Pay Patients, Outpatient Treatment, part B) when outpatient or inpatient care is rendered.