728.59—Peace Corps beneficiaries.
(a) Potential beneficiaries.
Applicants for the Peace Corps.
Peace Corps Volunteers.
Minor children of a Peace Corps volunteer living with the volunteer.
(b) Care authorized in the United States.
Upon written request of a Peace Corps official, stating care to be provided and disposition of reports, the following may be provided subject to the provisions of § 728.3.
(1) Physical examinations.
Physical examinations are authorized on an outpatient basis only. Except for interpretation of x-rays, make no assessment of the physical qualifications of examinees.
Preselection physical examination may be provided applicants (volunteers) for the Peace Corps.
Separation or other special physical examinations may be provided volunteers and their dependents as listed in paragraph (a)(3) of this section. Unless otherwise prescribed in written requests, report such examinations of Peace Corps volunteers on SF-88 and SF-93. Include:
Medical history and systemic review.
Chest x-ray with interpretation.
Complete urinalysis, serology, and blood type.
Pelvic examination and Pap smear for all female volunteers.
Hematocrit or hemoglobin for all females and for all males over 40 years of age.
Electrocardiogram for all volunteers over 40 years of age.
(2) Immunizations.
Immunizations, as requested, may be provided all beneficiaries listed in paragraph (a) of this section.
(3) Medical care.
Both inpatient and outpatient care may be provided volunteers for illnesses or injuries occurring during their period of service which includes all periods of training. Dependents of volunteers specified in paragraph (a)(3) of this section are authorized care to the same extent as their sponsor.
(4) Dental care.
Limit dental care to emergencies. Render only that care essential to relieve pain or prevent imminent loss of teeth. All beneficiaries seeking dental care will be requested, whenever possible, to furnish advanced authorization.
(c) Care authorized outside the United States—
(1) Physical examinations.
Termination physical examinations may be provided volunteers and eligible dependents of volunteers. In most instances, Peace Corps staff physicians will provide these examinations; however, help may be required of naval MTFs for ancillary services.
(2) Immunizations.
When requested, immunizations may be provided all beneficiaries listed in paragraph (a) of this section.
(3) Medical care.
When requested in writing by a representative or physician of a Peace Corps foreign service post, volunteers, eligible dependents of volunteers, and trainees of the Peace Corps may be provided necessary medical care at Peace Corps expense. When emergency treatment is rendered without prior approval, forward a request to the Peace Corps foreign service post as soon as possible.
(4) Dental care.
Limit dental care to emergencies. Render only that care essential to relieve pain or prevent imminent loss of teeth. All beneficiaries seeking dental care will be requested, whenever possible, to furnish advanced authorization.
(5) Evacuation to the United States.
When a beneficiary in an overseas naval MTF requires prolonged hospitalization, the commanding officer of the overseas facility will report the requirement to the nearest Peace Corps foreign service post and request authorization to return the patient to the United States. Releases custody of dependents to their sponsor when evacuation is declined. Aeromedical evacuation may be used per OPNAVINST 4630.25B. Travel of attendant(s) is authorized when the patient is too ill or too young to travel unattended.
(d) Report.
Complete and submit, per subpart J, a DD 7 (Report of Treatment Furnished Pay Patients, Hospitalization Furnished, part A) or DD 7A (Report of Treatment Furnished Pay Patients, Outpatient Treatment, part B) when outpatient or inpatient care is rendered.