Members who are away from their duty stations or are on duty where there is no MTF of their own service may receive care at the nearest available Federal MTF (including designated USTFs) with the capability to provide required care. Care will be provided without regard to whether the condition for which treatment is required was incurred or contracted in line of duty.
(a) All uniformed services active duty members.
All eligible beneficiaries covered in this subpart are entitled to and will be rendered the following treatment and services upon application to a naval MTF whose mission includes the rendering of the care required. This entitlement provides that when required care and services are beyond the capabilities of the facility to which the member applies, the commanding officer of that facility will arrange for care from another USMTF, designated USTF, or other Federal source or will authorize and arrange for direct use of supplemental services and supplies from civilian non-Federal sources out of operation and maintenance funds.
Necessary hospitalization and other medical care.
Occupational health services as defined in § 728.2(z).
Necessary prosthetic devices, prosthetic dental appliances, hearing aids, spectacles, orthopedic footwear, and other orthopedic appliances (see subpart H). When these items need repair or replacement and the items were not damaged or lost through negligence, repair or replacement is authorized at Goverment expense.
Routine dental care.
When a USMTF, with a mission of providing the care required, releases the medical management of an active duty member of the Navy, Marine Corps, Army, Air Force, or a commissioned corps member of USPHS or NOAA, the resulting civilian health care costs will be paid by the referring facility.
The member's uniformed service will be billed for care provided by the civilian facility only when the referring MTF is not organized nor authorized to provide needed health care (see part 732 of this chapter for naval members). Saturation of service or facilities does not fall within this exception. When a naval MTF retains medical management, the costs of supplemental care obtained from civilian sources is paid from funds available to operate the MTF which manages care of the patient. When it becomes necessary to refer a USPHS or NOAA commissioned corps member to a non-Federal source of care, place a call to the Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS), Chief, Patient Care Services on (301) 443-1943 or FTS 443-1943 if DHHS is to assume financial responsibility. Patient Care Services is the sole source for providing authorization for non-Federal care at DHHS expense.
(b) Maternity episode for active duty female members.
A pregnant active duty member who lives outside the MHSS inpatient catchment area of all USMTFs is permitted to choose whether she wishes to deliver in a closer civilian hospital or travel to the USMTF for delivery. If such a member chooses to deliver in a naval MTF, makes application, and presents at that facility at the time for delivery, the provisions of paragraph (a) of this section apply with respect to the furnishing of needed care, including routine newborn care (i.e., nursery, newborn examination, PKU test, etc.); arrangements for care beyond the facility's capabilities; or the expenditure of funds for supplemental care or services. Pay expenses incurred for the infant in USMTFs or civilian facilities (once the mother has been admitted to the USMTF) from funds available for care of active duty members, unless the infant becomes a patient in his or her own right either through an extension of the birthing hospital stay because of complications, subsequent transfer to another facility, or subsequent admission. If the Government is to assume financial responsibility for:
Care of pregnant members residing within the MHSS inpatient catchment area of a uniformed services hospital or in the inpatient catchment area of a designated USTF, such members are required to:
Make application to that facility for care, or
Non-Federal care of pregnant members residing outside inpatient catchment areas of USMTFs and USTFs, the member must request and receive authorization per part 732 of this chapter. Part 732 of this chapter also provides for cases of precipitious labor necessitating emergency care. OPNAVINST 6000.1, Management of Pregnant Servicewomen, contains medical-administrative guidelines on management prior to admission and after discharge from admission for delivery.
(c) Reserve and National Guard personnel.
In addition to those services covered in paragraphs (a) and (b) of this section, Reserve and National Guard personnel are authorized the following under conditions set forth. (See § 728.25 for additional benefits for National Guard personnel.)
Personnel whose units have an active Army mission of manning missile sites are authorized spectacle inserts for protective field masks.
Personnel assigned to units designated for control of civil disturbances are authorized spectacle inserts for protective field masks M17.