(a) Notice of eligibility (NOE).
While the NOE is basically a document that substantiates entitlement to a disability benefit equal to pay and allowances, it may be accepted when required to substantiate eligibility for benefits other than pay and allowances, i.e., treatment in USMTFs under the provisions of title 10, United States Code.
(b) Physical disability benefits.
The following, excerpted and paraphrased from SECNAVINST 1770.3, paragraph 10, is applicable when a reservist may be entitled to physical disability benefits.
When a notice of eligibility (NOE) has been issued to a member hospitalized in a naval MTF and the attending physician is of the opinion that recovery is not anticipated or that the reservist is not expected to be fit for return to full duty within a reasonable period, a medical board will be convened and the case managed the same as that of a Regular member. Assure that a copy of the NOE accompanies the medical board report forwarded to the Central Physical Evaluation Board. Disability benefits, equal to pay and allowances, will continue in such instances until final disposition.
There is no limited duty status, per se, for inactive reservists. However, if the attending physician determines that a reservist is temporarily unfit for full duty, but will be fit for full duty following a period of convalescence or following duty with physical limitations, not to exceed 6 months, the physician may return the reservist to duty with a summary of the hospitalization or treatment. The summary will set forth the limitations posed by the member's disability and the period of such limitations. Followup hospitalization, treatment, and evaluation for the same condition may be provided at USMTFs during the period of restricted duty, if required. If, during the period of the restricted duty, it appears that the reservist will be permanently unfit for full duty, promptly authorize the reservist to report for evaluation, treatment if required, and appearance before a medical board at the nearest naval MTF capable of accomplishing same. Admission to the sicklist is authorized, when required. Should the medical board recommend appearance before a physical evaluation board, disability benefits equal to pay and allowances should continue until final disposition is effected.