725.7—Contents of a proper request or demand.
(a) Routine requests.
If official information is sought, through testimony or otherwise, a detailed written request must be submitted to the appropriate determining authority far enough in advance to assure an informed and timely evaluation of the request, and prevention of adverse effects on the mission of the command or activity that must respond. The determining authority shall decide whether sufficient information has been provided by the requester. Absent independent information, the following data is necessary to assess a request.
(1) Identification of parties, their counsel and the nature of the litigation.
Caption of case, docket number, court.
Name, address, and telephone number of all counsel.
The date and time on which the documents, information, or testimony sought must be produced; the requested location for production; and, if applicable, the estimated length of time that attendance of the DON personnel will be required.
(2) Identification of information or documents requested.
A description, in as much detail as possible, of the documents, information, or testimony sought, including the current military service, status (active, separated, retired), social security number, if known, of the subject of the requested pay, medical, or service records;
The location of the records, including the name, address, and telephone number, if known, of the person from whom the documents, information, or testimony is sought; and
A statement of whether factual, opinion, or expert testimony is requested (see §§ 725.4(c) and 725.8(b)(3)(ii) ).
(3) Description of why the information is needed.
A brief summary of the facts of the case and the present posture of the case.
A statement of the relevance of the matters sought to the proceedings at issue.
If expert or opinion testimony is sought, an explanation of why exceptional need or unique circumstances exist justifying such testimony, including why it is not reasonably available from any other source.
(b) Additional considerations.
The circumstances surrounding the underlying litigation, including whether the United States is a party, and the nature and expense of the requests made by a party may require additional information before a determination can be made. Providing the following information or stipulations in the original request may expedite review and eliminate the need for additional correspondence with the determining authority.
A statement of the requester's willingness to pay in advance all reasonable expenses and costs of searching for and producing documents, information, or personnel, including travel expenses and accommodations (if applicable);
In cases in which deposition testimony is sought, a statement of whether attendance at trial or later deposition testimony is anticipated and requested. A single deposition normally should suffice;
An agreement to notify the determining authority at least 10 working days in advance of all interviews, depositions, or testimony. Additional time for notification may be required where the witness is a DON health care provider or where the witness is located overseas;
An agreement to conduct the deposition at the location of the witness, unless the witness and his or her commanding officer or cognizant superior, as applicable, stipulate otherwise;
In the case of former DON personnel, a brief description of the length and nature of their duties while in DON employment, and a statement of whether such duties involved, directly or indirectly, the information or matters as to which the person will testify;
An agreement to provide free of charge to any witness a signed copy of any written statement he or she may make, or, in the case of an oral deposition, a copy of that deposition transcript, if taken by a stenographer, or a video tape copy, if taken solely by video tape, if not prohibited by applicable rules of court;
An agreement that if the local rules of procedure controlling the litigation so provide, the witness will be given an opportunity to read, sign, and correct the deposition at no cost to the witness or the Government;
A statement of understanding that the United States reserves the right to have a representative present at any interview or deposition; and
A statement that counsel for other parties to the case will be provided with a copy of all correspondence originated by the determining authority so they may have the opportunity to submit any related litigation requests and participate in any discovery.
(c) Response to deficient requests.
A letter request that is deficient in providing necessary information may be returned to the requester by the determining authority with an explanation of the deficiencies and a statement that no further action will be taken until they are corrected. If a subpoena has been received for official information, counsel should promptly determine the appropriate action to take in response to the subpoena. See § 725.9(g).
(d) Emergency requests.
Written requests are generally required by 32 CFR part 97.
The determining authority, identified in § 725.6, has discretion to waive that requirement in the event of a bona fide emergency, under conditions set forth here, which were not anticipated in the course of proper pretrial planning and discovery. Oral requests and subsequent determinations should be reserved for instances where factual matters are sought, and compliance with the requirements of a proper written request would result in the effective denial of the request and cause an injustice in the outcome of the litigation for which the information is sought. No requester has a right to make an oral request and receive a determination. Whether to permit such an exceptional procedure is a decision within the sole discretion of the determining authority, unless overruled by the General Counsel or the Judge Advocate General, as appropriate.
If the determining authority concludes that the request, or any portion of it, meets the emergency test, he or she will require the requester to agree to the conditions set forth in § 725.7(a). The determining authority will then orally advise the requester of the determination, and seek a written confirmation of the oral request. Thereafter, the determining authority will make a written record of the disposition of the oral request including the grant or denial, circumstances requiring the procedure, and conditions to which the requester agreed.
The emergency procedure should not be utilized where the requester refuses to agree to the appropriate conditions set forth in § 725.7(a) or indicates unwillingness to abide by the limits of the oral grant, partial grant, or denial.