The PA fee schedule is only applicable to first party requesters who are seeking access to records about themselves that are contained in a PA system of record. DON activities receiving requests under PA, FOIA, or PA/FOIA shall only charge fees that are applicable under the Act(s) in which the request is being processed.
(a) PA costs.
PA fees shall include only the direct cost of reproducing the requested record. There are no fees for search, review, or any administrative costs associated with the processing of the PA request. The cost for reproduction of documents/microfiche will be at the same rate as that charged under the FOIA schedule (see SECNAVINST 5720.42F).
(b) Fee waiver.
A requester is entitled to the first 100 pages of duplication for free.
DON activities shall waive fees automatically if the direct cost for reproduction of the remaining pages is less than the minimum fee waiver threshold addressed under FOIA fees (see SECNAVINST 5720.42F).
However, DON activities should not waive fees when it is determined that a requester is seeking an extension or duplication of a previous request for which he/she was already granted a waiver.
Decisions to waive or reduce fees that exceed the minimum fee waiver threshold are made on a case-to-case basis.
(c) PA fee deposits.
Checks or money orders shall be made payable to the Treasurer of the United States. DON activities will forward any remittances to the Treasury Department pursuant to the Miscellaneous Receipts Act.