Except as necessary during contract administration to determine specification or other compliance, no person in the Department of the Navy, in his or her official capacity, shall endorse or express an opinion of approval or disapproval of any commercial product or process.
All personnel shall endeavor to prevent and eliminate the unauthorized use of marijuana, narcotics and other controlled substances within the naval service.
The wrongful possession, use, introduction, manufacture, distribution and possession, or introduction with intent to distribute, of a controlled substance by persons in the naval service are offenses under Article 112a, Uniform Code of Military Justice. Except for authorized medicinal or other authorized purposes, the possession, use, introduction, sale, or other transfer of marijuana, narcotics or other controlled substances on board any ship or aircraft of the Department of the Navy or within any naval base, station or other place under the jurisdiction of the Department of the Navy by all persons is prohibited.
The term “controlled substance” means: a drug or other substance included in Schedule I, II, III, IV, or V established by section 202 of the Comprehensive Drug Abuse Prevention and Control Act of 1970 (84 Stat. 1236), as updated and republished under the provisions of that Act (21 U.S.C. 812 ).
All persons in the naval service responsible for the operation of naval ships, craft and aircraft shall diligently observe the International Rules for Preventing Collisions at Sea (commonly called the COLREGS) (33 CFR chapter I), Inland Navigation Rules (33 CFR chapter I), domestic and international air traffic regulations (14 CFR chapter I), and such other rules and regulations as may be established by the Secretary of Transportation or other competent authority for regulating traffic and preventing collisions on the high seas, in inland waters or in the air, where such laws, rules and regulations are applicable to naval ships and aircraft. In those situations where such law, rule or regulation is not applicable to naval ships, craft or aircraft, they shall be operated with due regard for the safety of others.
Any significant infraction of the laws, rules and regulations governing traffic or designed to prevent collisions on the high seas, in inland waters, or in the air which may be observed by persons in the naval service shall be promptly reported to their superiors, including the Chief of Naval Operations or Commandant of the Marine Corps when appropriate.
Reports need not be made under this article if the facts are otherwise reported in accordance with other directives, including duly authorized safety programs.