When land has been previously declared clear of explosives or other dangerous material so as to be safe for all uses and disposed of, but is later found to have been contaminated to such an extent that, in his opinion, it is dangerous to the public, the DE will request the former using command to re-examine the land for the purpose of determining the extent to which the original Statement of Clearance should be revised and to determine the kind and cost of any further clearance work by the using command which would be required to place the property in the condition set forth in the original Statement of Clearance. If further clearance work is necessary and considered economically justified, the DE will request the using command to perform such work and furnish a new Statement of Clearance and record of the further clearance effected. If further clearance work is not considered economically justified, he will make a report thereof to DAEN-REM with his recommendations and pertinent supporting data. Recommendation for reacquisition of contaminated lands will be limited to those which involve full restrictions of both surface and subsurface uses. Where subsurface use of lands only is to be restricted, it is preferable to make compensation to the owners through claim procedure, when and if instituted by the owner on his own initiative.