644.48—Review and approval.
(a) Procedure.
Upon completion of an appraisal, the signed report is to be reviewed by a reviewing appraiser to assure that the information and data developed by the appraiser substantiates the estimated valuation. The review function also serves as a means of resolving differences that might be found in two or more individual appraisals of a single property. The reviewing appraiser is also responsible for maintaining consistency in appraisals for the various properties in a project.
A review of all real estate appraisals is considered of vital importance to the successful operation of the real estate mission of the Corps of Engineers. It is essential that each and every appraisal be given an independent review and check by a thoroughly qualified reviewing appraiser. This will insure that the appraisal represents relative concurrence as to value of not less than two real estate appraisers professionally qualified by previous experience in appraising the particular type of property involved. The reviewing appraiser should familiarize himself with the property to the extent that he can adequately present and support his opinion when called upon to do so.
The review action will be documented by a separate narrative memorandum signed and dated by the authorized reviewing appraiser. Such review memorandum will indicate, but not be limited to, the following:
Date and nature of physical inspection of the subject property.
Statement relative to reviewer's knowledge of comparable sales used.
Reviewer's opinion as to the appraiser's valuation.
Other pertinent data, if any, relative to the property or comparable sales that the reviewer feels would lend additional credence to value estimate.
Reviewer's certification of approval, disapproval, or recommendation.
If more than one appraisal is obtained for an ownership, all should be reviewed by the same reviewing appraiser. The reviewer can cover all appraisals in one review memorandum, or write individual reviews.
No alterations or additions will be made to a signed appraisal report by anyone other than the appraiser who signed the report. A reviewer cannot change the value reflected or approve an amount other than the appraiser's final conclusion of value. His alternative is disapproval.
A reviewing appraiser may not review other appraisal reports covering a property that he has himself previously appraised. In this instance the reports must be assigned to another reviewer or be forwarded to the next level of review for appropriate action.
Appraisal reports obtained by the Department of Justice and submitted for Corps review are to be treated in the same manner as those obtained by the Corps.
(b) Delegation.
Division Engineers have been authorized to approve or take action as appropriate on all real estate appraisal reports made for the purpose of purchase, disposal, or any use of real property in which the estimated fair market value (of the part to be acquired, if a partial taking) does not exceed $250,000, or the estimated fair market rental value does not exceed $150,000 per annum.
Division Engineers have been authorized further, at their discretion, to redelegate any part of this authority, up to $150,000, to District Engineers.
All appraisals exceeding $250,000 will be forwarded to HQDA (DAEN-REE) WASH DC 20314 for final review, approval, and/or appropriate action. Each report will be thoroughly reviewed at all levels, including the Project, District and Division.
A copy of all those reports between $100,000 and $250,000 will be forwarded to DAEN-REE for post review and retention.
In addition to those reports which exceed the delegated authority, DAEN-REE will review and take appropriate action on complex, difficult and controversial appraisals. Where more than one appraisal has been made within either of these categories, a copy of each appraisal report should be submitted for review regardless of variances in opinions of value. At times, the Division Engineers may receive specific instructions as to appraisals which may require final approval of DAEN-REE. Also, from time to time, DAEN-REE may call for and review typical appraisals prepared by individual appraisers.
(c) Reconciliation of appraisal reports.
In the event that a reviewing appraiser does not agree with the value conclusion of the appraiser, the following steps should be taken:
Attempt to reconcile differences with the appriser in a face-to-face meeting. The reviewing appraiser should present his additional evidence of value to the appraiser and discuss the report weaknesses, if any.
In the event reconciliation and approval are not possible, the reviewer must then forward the report and review certificate to higher authority for resolution and request that another appraisal be obtained.
(d) Qualifications of reviewing appraisers.
A reviewing appraiser should have a minimum of five years experience in the field of real estate appraising. He should also have taken and successfully completed two or more appraisal courses offered by professional appraisal organizations. His experience record should indicate that he has thorough knowledge of all the standard appraisal techniques and approaches and has the ability to analyze the market and all pertinent data which affects value.
Upon selection and appointment by the District Engineer of qualified staff personnel to act as reviewing appraisers, a copy of their qualifications and experience records, along with a copy of the appointing orders, will be forwarded to HQDA (DAEN-REE) WASH DC 20314.
(e) Code of ethics.
Under no circumstances will an appraiser be directed to make an appraisal at any predetermined amount or to change his opinion of value on any property appraised. It is recognized that the review function will develop some differences of opinion. However, where those differences cannot be resolved on a higher ethical basis, predicated upon sound reasoning and adequate data properly analyzed and applied, an additional appraisal will be obtained.