Upon receipt of a copy of the installation commander's recommendation of excess, the DE will take the following actions:
Immediately notify DAEN-REM by teletype, furnishing a brief statement of the real estate included in the recommendation.
Promptly screen the property against Army and other defense requirements if required by and in accordance with §§ 644.333 through 644.339, and advise DAEN-REM of the results.
As soon as the screening message is dispatched under § 644.388(b), or immediately upon receipt of a disposal directive from DAEN-REM when screening is not required by §§ 644.333 through 644.339, DEs will prepare and forward:
SF 118, Report of Excess Real Property and other documentation required in reporting the excess property to GSA.
ENG Form 2187-R, Disposal Report, for clearance with DOD and the Armed Services Committees (ASC) of Congress where required in accordance with §§ 644.340 through 644.347. This should be forwarded to DAEN-REZ-L within three weeks of dispatch of the screening message, or receipt of the disposal directive. This schedule will allow the Chief of Engineers to process the disposal assembly through the DA and DOD secretariats and to obtain necessary clearances from the ASC. DAEN-REM will furnish the DE copies of the DOD approval and the report to the ASC. This office will also furnish copies of the ASC report to the Washington and regional offices of GSA, to permit screening with other Government agencies.
DOD approval of the disposal (property having estimated value in excess of $100,000) signifies the property is excess to Defense requirements. Upon receipt of this approval, the DE will forward a preliminary Report of Excess to GSA by transmitting necessary copies of the completed SF 118, with attachments, carefully identified as preliminary. Where screening is negative for property having an estimated value of $100,000 or less, the property is considered excess to Defense requirements and a final report of excess should be forwarded promptly to GSA.