635.3—Special requirements of the Privacy Act of 1974.
Certain personal information is protected under the Privacy Act and AR 340-21.
Individuals requested to furnish personal information must be advised of the purpose for which the information is collected and the disclosures by which it is routinely used.
Army law enforcement personnel performing official duties often require an individual's SSN for identification purposes. Personal information may be obtained from identification documents without violating an individual's privacy and without providing a Privacy Act Statement. This personal information can be used to complete military police reports and records. The following procedures may be used to obtain SSNs:
Active Army, U.S. Army Reserve (USAR), Army National Guard (ARNG) and retired military personnel are required to produce their Common Access Card, DD Form 2 (Act), DD Form 2 (Res), or DD Form 2 (Ret) (U.S. Armed Forces of the United States General Convention Identification Card), or other government issued identification, as appropriate.
Family members of sponsors may be requested to produce their DD Form 1173 (Uniformed Services Identification and Privilege Card). Information contained thereon (for example, the sponsor's SSN) may be used to verify and complete applicable sections of MPRs and related forms.
DOD civilian personnel may be requested to produce their appropriate service identification. DA Form 1602 (Civilian Identification) may be requested from DA civilian employees. If unable to produce such identification, DOD civilians may be requested to provide other verifying documentation.
Non-DOD civilians, including family members and those whose status is unknown, will be advised of the provisions of the Privacy Act Statement when requested to disclose their SSN.
Requests for new systems of military police records, changes to existing systems, and continuation systems, not addressed in existing public notices will be processed as prescribed in AR 340-21, after approval is granted by HQDA, OPMG (DAPM-MPD-LE).