635.17—Military Police Report.
(a) General Use.
DA form 3975 is a multipurpose form used to—
Record all information or complaints received or observed by military police.
Serve as a record of all military police and military police investigator activity.
Document entries made into the COPS MPRS system and other automated systems.
Report information concerning investigations conducted by civilian law enforcement agencies related to matters of concern to the U.S. Army.
Advise commanders and supervisors of offenses and incidents involving personnel or property associated with their command or functional responsibility.
Report information developed by commanders investigating incidents or conducting inspections that result in the disclosure of evidence that a criminal offense has been committed.
(b) Special use.
The DA Form 3975 will be used to—
Transmit completed DA Form 3946 (Military Police Traffic Accident Report). This will include statements, sketches, or photographs that are sent to a commander or other authorized official.
Transmit the DD Form 1805 (U.S District Court Violation Notice) when required by local installation or U.S. Magistrate Court policy. The DA Form 3975 is used to advise commanders or supervisors that military, civilian, or contract personnel have been cited on a DD Form 1805.
Match individual subjects with individual victims or witnesses, and founded criminal offenses. This is a federal statutory requirement. This is done using the relationships tab within COPS MPRS.
Document victim/witness liaison activity.
(c) Distribution.
The DA Form 3975 will be prepared in three copies, signed by the Provost Marshal/Director of Emergency Services or a designated representative, and distributed as follows—
Original to USACRC. Further information, arising or developed at a later time, will be forwarded to USACRC using a supplemental DA Form 3975. Reports submitted to USACRC will include a good, legible copy of all statements, photographs, sketches, laboratory reports, and other information that substantiates the offense or facilitates the understanding of the report. The USACRC control number must be recorded on every DA Form 3975 sent to the USACRC. A report will not be delayed for adjudication or commander's action beyond 45 days.
One copy retained in the Provost Marshal/Director of Emergency Services' files.
One copy forwarded through the field grade commander to the immediate commander of each subject or organization involved in an offense.
(d) Changing reports for unfounded offenses.
If an offense is determined to be unfounded, after the case has been forwarded to USACRC, the following actions will be completed:
A supplemental DA Form 3975, using the same MPR number and USACRC control number will be submitted stating the facts of the subsequent investigation and that the case is unfounded.
A copy of the supplemental DA Form 3975 will be provided to those agencies or activities that received a copy of the completed DA Form 3975 at the time of submission to USACRC and to the commander for action.