This subpart establishes policy for reporting founded criminal offenses by Installation Management Command (IMCOM), Army Materiel Command (AMC) and Medical Command (MEDCOM) installation and ACOM, ASCC and DRU Provost Marshal Offices/Directorates of Emergency Services.
This subpart prescribes reporting procedures, which require the use of the COPS MPRS and a systems administrator to ensure that the system is properly functioning. Reporting requirements include—
Reporting individual offenders to the USACRC, NCIC, CJIS, and the DOD.
(2) Crime reports to the DOD.
DOD collects data from all the Services utilizing the Defense Incident-Based Reporting System (DIBRS). The Army inputs its data into DIBRS utilizing COPS. Any data reported to DIBRS is only as good as the data reported into COPS, so the need for accuracy in reporting incidents and utilizing proper offense codes is great. DIBRS data from DOD is eventually sent to the Department of Justice's National Incident-Based Reporting System (NIBRS). The data is eventually incorporated into the Uniform Crime Report.
A Provost Marshal Office/Directorate of Emergency Services initiating a DA Form 3975 or other military police investigation has reporting responsibility explained throughout this subpart and this part in general.
In the event the Provost Marshal Office/Directorate of Emergency Services determines that their office does not have investigative responsibility or authority, the MPR will be terminated and the case cleared by exceptional clearance. A case cleared by exceptional clearance is closed by the Provost Marshal/Director of Emergency Services when no additional investigative activity will be performed or the case is referred to another agency. If a case is transferred to the Provost Marshal/Director of Emergency Services from another law enforcement investigation agency the Provost Marshal Office/Directorate of Emergency Services will have all reporting responsibility using the COPS MPRS system.