(a) Purpose.
This part gives the qualifications for men and women enlisting in the Regular Army (RA) or Reserve Components (RC). The procedures simplify and standardize the processing of recruited applicants. The applicant's ability to meet all requirements or exceptions will determine eligibility. This includes obtaining prescribed waivers.
(1) Required publications.
AR 601-210, Active and Reserve Components Enlistment Program. (Cited in §§ 571.2, 571.3, and 571.5 ).
AR 40-501, Standards of Medical Fitness. (Cited in §§ 571.2 and 571.3 ).
AR 600-9, The Army Weight Control Program. (Cited in §§ 571.2 and 571.3 ).
(2) Related publications.
DOD Directive 1304.26, Qualifications for Enlistment, Appointment, and Induction.
Army Retention Program.
(c) Definitions.
The following definitions apply to this part:
(1) Enlistment.
Voluntary contract (DD Form 4) for military service that creates military status as an enlisted member of the Regular Army or a Reserve Component. This includes enlistment of both non-prior service and prior service personnel.
(2) Reenlistment.
The second or subsequent voluntary enrollment in the Regular Army or a Reserve Component as an enlisted member.
(3) United States Army.
The Regular Army, Army of the United States (AUS), Army National Guard of the United States (ARNGUS), and the United States Army Reserve (USAR).
(4) Regular Army (RA).
The Regular Army is the component of the Army that consists of persons whose continuous service on active duty in both peace and war is contemplated by law and of retired members of the Regular Army.
(5) Prior Service (PS).
For persons enlisting in the RA, those who have 180 days or more of active duty in any component; or, for persons enlisting in a Reserve Component, those who have 180 days of active duty in any component of the armed forces and who have been awarded an MOS; or former members of an armed forces academy who did not graduate and who served 180 days or more.
(6) Non-Prior Service (NPS).
Those persons who have never served in any component of the armed forces or who have served less than 180 days of active duty as a member of any component of the armed forces. Reserve Component applicants must not have been awarded an MOS; or have enlisted illegally while underage and been separated for a void enlistment; or be a former member of a service academy who did not graduate and who served fewer than 180 days; or have completed ROTC and served only Active Duty for Training as an officer.
(7) Delayed Entry Program (DEP).
A program in which Soldiers may enlist and are assigned to a United States Army Reserve (USAR) Control Group until they enlist in the Regular Army. The Commanding General, United States Army Recruiting Command (USAREC) is authorized by 10 U.S.C. 513 to organize and administer DEP.