(a) United States dollar instruments.
For the purpose of this section, United States dollar instruments include the following:
United States Treasury checks (standard dollar checks) drawn on the Treasurer of the United States by authorized finance and accounting officers.
Travelers' checks issued by the American Express Company; Bank of America, National Trust and Savings Association; Mellon National Bank and Trust Company; Citibank of New York; Thomas Cook and Son (Bankers) Ltd.; and the First National Bank of Chicago, when expressed in United States dollars.
United States military disbursing officers' payment orders.
American Express Company money orders, when expressed in United States dollars, and United States postal money orders.
Telegraphic money orders, when expressed in United States dollars.
(b) Military Payment Certificate (MPC).
The military payment certificate is an instrument, denominated in U.S. dollars and fractions thereof, that may be used as the official medium of exchange in U.S. military establishments located in overseas areas when such areas are designated as “Military Payment Certificate Areas.”
(c) Authorized Personnel.
As used herein, the term “authorized personnel” means all individuals authorized to purchase goods, supplies and services from U.S. Government sponsored and controlled facilities located and operated in an MPC area.