536.94—Settlement authority for claims under the Non-Scope Claims Act.
(a) Settlement authority.
The following are delegated authority to pay up to $1,000 in settlement of each claim arising out of one incident and to disapprove a claim presented in any amount under this subpart:
The Judge Advocate General (TJAG);
The Assistant Judge Advocate General (TAJAG);
The Commander USARCS;
The Judge Advocate (JA) or Staff Judge Advocate (SJA) or chief of a command claims service; and
The head of an area claims office (ACO).
(b) Approval authority.
The head of a claims processing office (CPO) with approval authority is delegated authority to approve and pay, in full or in part, claims presented for $1,000 or less and to compromise and pay, regardless of amount claimed, an agreed award of $1,000 or less.
(c) Further guidance.
Authority to further delegate payment authority is set forth in § 536.3(g)(1) of this part. For further discussions also related to approval, settlement and payment authority, see also paragraphs 2-69 and 2-71 of DA Pam 27-162.