321.5—Access by subject individuals.
(a) General.
Individuals may request access to records pertaining to themselves in person or by mail in accordance with this section. However, nothing in this section shall allow an individual access to any information compiled or maintained by DSS in reasonable anticipation of a civil or criminal action or proceeding, or otherwise exempted under the provisions of § 321.13.
A request for a pending personnel security investigation will be held in abeyance until completion of the investigation and the requester will be so notified.
(b) Manner of access.
Requests by mail or in person for access to DSS records should be made to the DSS Office of FOI and Privacy, 1340 Braddock Place, Alexandria, VA 22314-1651.
Any individual who makes a request for access in person shall:
Provide identification as specified in Sec. 321.4.
Complete and sign a request form.
Any individual making a request for access to records by mail shall include a signed and notarized statement to verify his identity, which may be the DSS request form if he has received one.
Any individual requesting access to records in person may be accompanied by an identified person of his own choosing while reviewing the record. If the individual elects to be accompanied, he shall make this known in his written request, and include a statement authorizing disclosure of the record contents to the accompanying person. Without written authorization of the subject individual, records will not be disclosed to third parties accompanying the subject.
During the course of official business, members of DSS field elements may be given access to records maintained by the field elements/Operations Center without referral to the Office of FOI and Privacy. An account of such access will be kept for reporting purposes.
In all requests for access, the requester must state whether he or she desires access in person or mailed copies of records. During personal access, where copies are made for retention, a fee for reproduction and postage may be assessed as provided in Sec. 321.11. Where copies are mailed because personal appearance is impractical, there will be no fee.
All individuals who are not affiliates of DSS will be given access to records, if authorized, in the Office of FOI and Privacy, or by means of mailed copies.