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(a) The Director's Chief of Staff (DC) is responsible for overseeing the administration of the FOIA, which includes responding to FOIA requests and for collecting fees from FOIA requesters.
(b) The Director of Policy (DC3), or the Deputy Director of Policy (D/DC3), if so designated, is the initial denial authority (IDA) and is responsible for:
(1) Receiving and staffing all initial, written requests for the release of information;
(2) Conducting the necessary reviews to determine the releasability of information pursuant to DoD 5200.1-R;
(3) Providing the requester with releasable material;
(4) Notifying the requester of any adverse determination, including informing the requester of his/her right to appeal an adverse determination to the appeal authority (see § 299.5(n) );
(5) Assuring the timeliness of responses;
(6) Negotiating with the requester regarding satisfying his request (e.g., time extensions, modifications to the request);
(7) Authorizing extensions of time within Agency components (e.g., time needed to locate and/or review material);
(8) Assisting the Office of General Counsel (OGC) in judicial actions filed under 5 U.S.C. 552 ;
(9) Maintaining the FOIA reading room and the Internet home page; and
(10) Compiling the annual FOIA report.
(c) The Chief, Accounting and Financial Services (DF22) is responsible for:
(1) Sending initial and follow-up bills to FOIA requesters as instructed by the FOIA office, with a copy of all bills going to the FOIA office. In cases where an estimate of fees is provided to the requester prior to the processing of his/her request, no bill shall be sent. Although the FOIA office asks FOIA requesters to send payment to the FOIA office, for subsequent forwarding to Accounting and Financial Services, payment may be received directly in Accounting and Financial Services. Such payment may be identified by the payee as payment for a Freedom of Information Act request, by the letters “FOIA,” or as payment for XXXXX. (FOIA requesters are provided a case number to refer to in correspondence with NSA);
(2) Receiving and handling all checks or money orders remitted in payment for FOIA requests, crediting them to the proper account and notifying the FOIA office promptly of all payments received;
(3) Notifying the FOIA office promptly of any payments received directly from requesters even if no bill was initiated by Accounting and Financial Services; and
(4) Issuing a prompt reimbursement of overpaid fees to the requester upon being notified of such overpayment by the FOIA office.
(d) The Deputy Director, NSA/CSS, is the FOIA Appeal Authority required by 5 U.S.C. 552 for considering appeals of adverse determinations by the Director of Policy. In the absence of the Deputy Director, the Director's Chief of Staff serves as the Appeal Authority.
(e) The General Counsel (GC) or his designee is responsible for:
(1) Reviewing responses to FOIA requests to determine the legal sufficiency of actions taken by the Director of Policy, as required on a case-by-case basis;
(2) Reviewing the appeals of adverse determinations made by the Director of Policy. The GC will prepare an appropriate reply to such appeals and submit that reply to the NSA/CSS FOIA Appeal Authority for final decision; and
(3) Representing the Agency in all judicial actions relating to 5 U.S.C. 552 and providing support to the Department of Justice.
(f) The Chief of Installation and Logistics (I&L) shall establish procedures to ensure that:
(1) All inquiries for information pursuant to 5 U.S.C. 552 are delivered promptly to the Director of Policy; and
(2) Any appeal of an adverse determination is delivered promptly and directly to the NSA/CSS Appeal Authority staff.
(g) The Directorates, Associate Directorates, and Field Elements shall:
(1) Establish procedures to ensure that any inquiries for information pursuant to 5 U.S.C. 552 are referred immediately and directly to the Director of Policy. Field Elements should forward, electronically, any requests received to the DIRNSA/CHCSS, ATTN: DC3; and
(2) Designate a senior official and an alternate to act as a focal point to assist the Director of Policy in determining estimated and actual cost data, in conducting searches reasonably calculated to retrieve responsive records and assessing whether information can be released or should be withheld.
(h) Military and civilian personnel assigned or attached to or employed by the NSA/CSS who receive a Freedom of Information Act request shall deliver it immediately to the Director of Policy. Individuals who are contacted by personnel at other government agencies and asked to assist in reviewing material for release under the FOIA must direct the other agency employee to the NSA/CSS FOIA office promptly.