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256.8—Land use compatibility guidelines for accident potential.

Zones and Footnotes—Land Use Category
[See footnotes at end of table]
Compatibility 1
Clear zone APZ I APZ II
Single family No No Yes. 2
2 to 4 family No.
Multifamily dwellings Do.
Group quarters Do.
Residential hotels Do.
Mobile home parks or courts Do.
Other residential Do.
Industrial manufacturing: 3
Food and kindred products Yes.
Textile mill products Do.
Apparel No.
Lumber and wood products Yes Do.
Furniture and fixtures Do.
Paper and allied products Do.
Printing, publishing Do.
Chemicals and allied products No No.
Petroleum refining and related industries Do.
Rubber and miscellaneous plastic goods Do.
Stone, clay, and glass products Yes Yes.
Primary metal industries Do.
Fabricated metal products Do.
Professional, scientific and controlling instruments No No.
Miscellaneous manufacturing Yes Yes.
Transportation, communications and utilities: 4
Railroad, rapid rail transit (ongrade) Yes Yes 4 Yes.
Highway and street ROW Yes Do.
Auto parking No Do.
Communication Yes Do.
Utilities Yes 4 Do.
Other transportation, communications and utilities Yes Do.
Commercial/retail trade:
Wholesale trade No Do.
Building materials—retail Do.
General merchandise—retail No Do.
Food—retail Do.
Code of Federal Regulations 622
Automotive, marine, aviation—retail Yes Do.
Apparel and accessories—retail No Do.
Furniture, homefurnishing—retail Do.
Eating and drinking places No.
Other retail trade Yes.
Personal and business services: 5
Finance, insurance and real estate Do.
Personal services Do.
Business services Do.
Repair services Yes Do.
Professional services No Do.
Contract construction services Yes Do.
Indoor recreation services No Do.
Other services Do.
Public and quasi-public services:
Government service Yes. 5
Educational services No No No.
Cultural activities Do.
Medical and other health services Do.
Cemeteries Yes 6 Yes. 6
Nonprofit organization including churches No No.
Other public and quasi-public services Yes.
Outdoor recreation:
Playground's neighboring parks Yes.
Community and regional parks Yes 7 Yes. 7
Nature exhibits Yes Yes.
Spectator sports including arenas No No.
Golf course, 8 riding stables 9 Yes Yes.
Water based recreational areas Do.
Resort and group camps No No.
Entertainment assembly Do.
Other outdoor recreation Yes 7 Yes.
Resource production and extraction and open land:
Agriculture 10 Yes Yes Do.
Livestock farming, animal breeding 11 No Do.
Forestry activities 12 No 13 Yes Do.
Fishing activities and related services 14 No 15 Yes 14 Do.
Mining activities No Yes Do.
Permanent open space Yes Do.
Water areas 14 Do.
1 A “Yes” or “No” designation for compatible land use is to be used only for gross comparison. Within each, uses exist where further definition may be needed as to whether it is clear or normally acceptable/unacceptable owing to variations in densities of people and structures.
2 Suggested maximum density 1-2 DU/AC, possibly increased under a planned unit development where maximum lot covered less than 20 percent.
3 Tactics to be considered: Labor intensity, structural coverage, explosive characteristics, air pollution.
4 No passenger terminals and no major above ground transmission lines in APZ I.
5 Low intensity office uses only. Meeting places, auditoriums, etc., not recommended.
6 Excludes chapels.
7 Facilities must be low intensity.
8 Clubhouse not recommended.
9 Concentrated rings with large classes not recommended.
10 Includes livestock grazing but excludes feedlots and intensive animal husbandry.
11 Includes feedlots and intensive animal husbandry.
12 No structures (except airfield lighting), buildings or above ground utility/communication lines should be located in the clear zone. For further runway safety clearance limitations pertaining to the clear zone see AFM 86-6 TM 5-803-4 and NAVFAC P-80. 2
13 Lumber and timber products removed due to establishment, expansion or maintenance of clear zones will be disposed of in accordance with DoD Instruction 4170.7, “Natural Resources—Forest Management,” June 21, 1965 (32 CFR 233) and DoD Instruction 7310.1, “Accounting and Reporting for Property Disposal and Proceeds from Sale of Disposable Personal Property and Lumber or Timber Products,” July 10, 1970. 1
14 Includes hunting and fishing.
15 Controlled hunting and fishing may be permitted for the purpose of wildlife control.