The School of Medicine, USUHS, shall consider applications for admission from persons who:
Are citizens of the United States;
Are at least 18 years old at the time of matriculation, but have not become 28 years old as of June 30 in the year of admission. However, any student who has served on active duty in the Armed Forces may exceed the age limitation by a period equal to the time served on active duty provided that student has not become 34 years old by June 30 in the year of admission.
Are not under 18 years of age at time of entry to the first-year class;
Are of good moral character;
Meet the physical qualifications and security requirements for a Regular commission in the Uniformed Services.
Standards of medical fitness for commissioning in the Uniformed Services shall be chapter 5, AR 40-501 2 except for eyes and vision which shall be as prescribed in paragraphs 2-12 and 2-13, chapter 2.
Code of Federal Regulations
2 Army standards of medical fitness will be used as agreed to by the Secretaries of the Military Departments. AR 40-501 filed as part of original. Copies available at the Army Publications Counter, Rm 18928, The Pentagon, Washington, D.C. 20310.
Security requirements for commissioning in the Military Departments are prescribed in DoD Directive 5200.2. 3
Code of Federal Regulations
3 See footnote 1 to § 242.1
Meet the academic, intellectual, and personal qualifications specified in §§ 242.8 and 242.9.
Are motivated to pursue a medical career in the Uniformed Services;
Are not otherwise obligated or committed for service in the Army, Navy, Air Force or Marine Corps as a result of current or prior participation in programs of study or training sponsored by these Military Services. (Unless specifically prohibited by law or Department of Defense policy, individuals may be permitted to interrupt sponsored training programs and/or associated service commitments for the purpose of entering the School of Medicine, at the discretion of the appropriate Military Department sponsor. See also paragraph (e) of this section on obligated service requirements.)
In making admissions decisions, the School will adhere to the principle of equal educational opportunity for all. Sex, race, religion, national origin, marital status, and State of residence shall not be factors influencing the selection process. Aspirants seeking entrance shall be judged strictly on merit, in terms of demonstrated aptitude, motivation, and potential for succeeding in medicine, both academically and professionally. Only the most promising and best qualified of the applicants shall be accepted for admission.
While enrolled in School, students shall serve on active duty as Reserve commissioned officers (Medical Officer Candidates), pay grade O-1, in one of the Uniformed Services, the Uniformed Service of assignment to be determined under procedures established by the Secretaries of the Military Departments and the Assistant Secretary of Defense Health Affairs in coordination with the President of the University. Applicants' preferences shall be honored to the extent possible in making Service assignments. However, to insure that the makeup of each entering class is equitably constituted, students shall be assigned proportionally to the three Military Departments, based on projected end strengths of the individual Medical Corps at time of graduation. Students shall not be counted against any prescribed Service strengths while in School. Individuals admitted to the School of Medicine holding Regular commissions must resign their Regular appointments to enter the School.
Upon satisfactory completion of the medical school program, graduates shall, if qualified, be tendered Regular Medical Corps appointments, unless otherwise covered under 10 U.S.C. 2115.
Graduates of the School shall incur a Federal active-duty obligation of 21 months for each year or portion thereof spent in medical training, except that in no case will the minimum obligation be less than 27 months. Except as law or Department of Defense policy otherwise prescribes, this obligation shall be served consecutively with any other active-duty obligation.
If dropped from the School for deficiencies in conduct or studies, or for other reasons, the student shall immediately be referred for disposition to the appropriate Military Department, which shall have the prerogative of either:
Requiring the individual to fulfill his incurred service obligation, as stated in the Uniformed Services Health Professions Revitalization Act of 1972 (10 U.S.C., 2101 et seq. ), by performing duty in some appropriate capacity, as determined by the Secretary of the Military Department concerned. (In no case shall any such member be required to serve on active duty for any period in excess of a period equal to the period he participated in the program, except that in no case may any such member be required to serve on active duty less than one year.); or
Waiving the individual's incurred service obligation, if that action would be in the best interests of that Service. (Such relief, though, shall not relieve the individual from any other active-duty obligation imposed by established law.) Individuals whose service obligation is waived may, at the discretion of the Secretary of the Military Department concerned, be required to reimburse the Government for all or a part of the tuition and other educational costs incurred. However, a member of the program may not be relieved of his Service obligation solely because he is willing and able to reimburse the Government for all educational expenses.
Periods of time spent in sponsored graduate medical education shall not count toward satisfying the medical school Federal-duty obligation.
Code of Federal Regulations
[54 FR 31335, July 28, 1989]