2102.15—Requirements for requests to amend records.
Individuals wishing to amend a record contained in the NSC systems of records pertaining to them must submit a request in writing to the Staff Secretary of the NSC in accordance with the procedures set forth herein.
All requests for amendment or correction of a record must state concisely the reason for requesting the amendment. Such requests should include a brief statement which describes the information the requestor believes to be inaccurate, incomplete, or unnecessary and the amendment or correction desired.
To the extent possible, every request for amendment of a record will be answered within ten working days (excluding Saturdays, Sundays, and legal Federal holidays) of the receipt of the request. In the event that a response cannot be made within this time, the requestor will be notified by mail of the reasons for the delay and the date upon which a reply can be expected. A final response to a request for amendment will include the NSC Staff determination on whether to grant or deny the request. If the request is denied, the response will include:
The reasons for the decision;
The name and address of the individual to whom an appeal should be directed;
A description of the process for review of the appeal within the NSC; and
A description of any other procedures which may be required of the individual in order to process the appeal.