The applicant must submit a TAPP application to begin the TAPP procurement process. The application form is included as appendix A of this part and can be obtained from the DoD installation, the DoD Component headquarters, or directly from the Department of Defense, Office of the Deputy Under Secretary of Defense for Environmental Security, 3400 Defense Pentagon, Washington, D.C. 20301-3400. The applications will not be considered complete until the following data elements have been entered into the form:
Source of TAPP request (names of RAB or TRC).
Certification of majority request.
RAB/TRC contact point for TAPP project.
Project type (e.g. data interpretation, training, etc.).
Project purpose and description (descriptions, time and locations of products or services desired).
Statement of eligibility of project.
Proposed provider, if known.
Specific qualifications or criteria for provider.