(a) Hospitals.
The CHAMPUS-determined allowable cost for reimbursement of a hospital shall be determined on the basis of one of the following methodologies.
(1) CHAMPUS Diagnosis Related Group (DRG)-based payment system.
Under the CHAMPUS DRG-based payment system, payment for the operating costs of inpatient hospital services furnished by hospitals subject to the system is made on the basis of prospectively-determined rates and applied on a per discharge basis using DRGs. Payments under this system will include a differentiation for urban (using large urban and other urban areas) and rural hospitals and an adjustment for area wage differences and indirect medical education costs. Additional payments will be made for capital costs, direct medical education costs, and outlier cases.
(i) General—
(A) DRGs used.
The CHAMPUS DRG-based payment system will use the same DRGs used in the most recently available grouper for the Medicare Prospective Payment System, except as necessary to recognize distinct characteristics of CHAMPUS beneficiaries and as described in instructions issued by the Director, OCHAMPUS.
(B) Assignment of discharges to DRGs.
(1) The classification of a particular discharge shall be based on the patient's age, sex, principal diagnosis (that is, the diagnosis established, after study, to be chiefly responsible for causing the patient's admission to the hospital), secondary diagnoses, procedures performed and discharge status. In addition, for neonatal cases (other than normal newborns) the classification shall also account for birthweight, surgery and the presence of multiple, major and other neonatal problems, and shall incorporate annual updates to these classification features.
(2) Each discharge shall be assigned to only one DRG regardless of the number of conditions treated or services furnished during the patient's stay.
(C) Basis of payment—
(1) Hospital billing. Under the CHAMPUS DRG-based payment system, hospitals are required to submit claims (including itemized charges) in accordance with § 199.7(b). The CHAMPUS fiscal intermediary will assign the appropriate DRG to the claim based on the information contained in the claim. Any request from a hospital for reclassification of a claim to a higher weighted DRG must be submitted, within 60 days from the date of the initial payment, in a manner prescribed by the Director, OCHAMPUS.
(2) Payment on a per discharge basis. Under the CHAMPUS DRG-based payment system, hospitals are paid a predetermined amount per discharge for inpatient hospital services furnished to CHAMPUS beneficiaries.
(3) Claims priced as of date of admission. Except for interim claims submitted for qualifying outlier cases, all claims reimbursed under the CHAMPUS DRG-based payment system are to be priced as of the date of admission, regardless of when the claim is submitted.
(4) Payment in full. The DRG-based amount paid for inpatient hospital services is the total CHAMPUS payment for the inpatient operating costs (as described in paragraph (a)(1)(i)(C)(5) of this section) incurred in furnishing services covered by the CHAMPUS. The full prospective payment amount is payable for each stay during which there is at least one covered day of care, except as provided in paragraph (a)(1)(iii)(E)(1 )(i )(A) of this section.
(5) Inpatient operating costs. The CHAMPUS DRG-based payment system provides a payment amount for inpatient operating costs, including:
(i) Operating costs for routine services, such as the costs of room, board, and routine nursing services;
(ii) Operating costs for ancillary services, such as hospital radiology and laboratory services (other than physicians' services) furnished to hospital inpatients;
(iii) Special care unit operating costs; and
(iv) Malpractice insurance costs related to services furnished to inpatients.
(6) Discharges and transfers —(i) Discharges. A hospital inpatient is discharged when:
(A) The patient is formally released from the hospital (release of the patient to another hospital as described in paragraph (a)(1)(i)(C)(6 )(ii) of this section, or a leave of absence from the hospital, will not be recognized as a discharge for the purpose of determining payment under the CHAMPUS DRG-based payment system);
(B) The patient dies in the hospital; or
(C) The patient is transferred from the care of a hospital included under the CHAMPUS DRG-based payment system to a hospital or unit that is excluded from the prospective payment system.
(ii) Transfers. Except as provided under paragraph (a)(1)(i)(C)(6 )(i) of this section, a discharge of a hospital inpatient is not counted for purposes of the CHAMPUS DRG-based payment system when the patient is transferred:
(A) From one inpatient area or unit of the hospital to another area or unit of the same hospital;
(B) From the care of a hospital included under the CHAMPUS DRG-based payment system to the care of another hospital paid under this system;
(C) From the care of a hospital included under the CHAMPUS DRG-based payment system to the care of another hospital that is excluded from the CHAMPUS DRG-based payment system because of participation in a statewide cost control program which is exempt from the CHAMPUS DRG-based payment system under paragraph (a)(1)(ii)(A) of this section; or
(D) From the care of a hospital included under the CHAMPUS DRG- based payment system to the care of a uniformed services treatment facility.
(iii) Payment in full to the discharging hospital. The hospital discharging an inpatient shall be paid in full under the CHAMPUS DRG-based payment system.
(iv) Payment to a hospital transferring an inpatient to another hospital. If a hospital subject to the CHAMPUS DRG-based payment system transfers an inpatient to another such hospital, the transferring hospital shall be paid a per diem rate (except that in neonatal cases, other than normal newborns, the hospital will be paid at 125 percent of that per diem rate), as determined under instructions issued by TSO, for each day of the patient's stay in that hospital, not to exceed the DRG-based payment that would have been paid if the patient had been discharged to another setting. For admissions occurring on or after October 1, 1995, the transferring hospital shall be paid twice the per diem rate for the first day of any transfer stay, and the per diem amount for each subsequent day, up to the limit described in this paragraph.
(v) Additional payments to transferring hospitals. A transferring hospital may qualify for an additional payment for extraordinary cases that meet the criteria for long-stay or cost outliers.
(D) DRG system updates.
The CHAMPUS DRG-based payment system is modeled on the Medicare Prospective Payment System (PPS) and uses annually updated items and numbers from the Medicare PPS as provided for in this part and in instructions issued by the Director, OCHAMPUS. The effective date of these items and numbers shall correspond to that under the Medicare PPS except where distinctions are made in this part.
(ii) Applicability of the DRG system—
(A) Areas affected.
The CHAMPUS DRG-based payment system shall apply to hospitals' services in the fifty states, the District of Columbia, and Puerto Rico, except that any state which has implemented a separate DRG-based payment system or similar payment system in order to control costs and is exempt from the Medicare Prospective Payment System may be exempt from the CHAMPUS DRG-based payment system if it requests exemption in writing, and provided payment under such system does not exceed payment which would otherwise be made under the CHAMPUS DRG-based payment system.
(B) Services subject to the DRG-based payment system.
All normally covered inpatient hospital services furnished to CHAMPUS beneficiaries by hospitals are subject to the CHAMPUS DRG-based payment system.
(C) Services exempt from the DRG-based payment system.
The following hospital services, even when provided in a hospital subject to the CHAMPUS DRG-based payment system, are exempt from the CHAMPUS DRG-based payment system. The services in paragraphs (a)(1)(ii)(C)(1) through (a)(1)(ii)(C)(4) and (a)(1)(ii)(C)(7) through (a)(1)(ii)(C)(9) of this section shall be reimbursed under the procedures in paragraph (a)(3) of this section, and the services in paragraphs (a)(1)(ii)(C)(5) and (a)(1)(ii)(C)(6) of this section shall be reimbursed under the procedures in paragraph (g) of this section.
(1) Services provided by hospitals exempt from the DRG-based payment system.
(2) All services related to solid organ acquisition for CHAMPUS covered transplants by CHAMPUS-authorized transplantation centers.
(3) All services related to heart and liver transplantation for admissions prior to October 1, 1998, which would otherwise be paid under DRG 103 and 480, respectively.
(4) All services related to CHAMPUS covered solid organ transplantations for which there is no DRG assignment.
(5) All professional services provided by hospital-based physicians.
(6) All services provided by nurse anesthetists.
(7) All services related to discharges involving pediatric bone marrow transplants (patient under 18 at admission).
(8) All services related to discharges involving children who have been determined to be HIV seropositive (patient under 18 at admission).
(9) All services related to discharges involving pediatric cystic fibrosis (patient under 18 at admission).
(10) For admissions occurring on or after October 1, 1990, and before October 1, 1994, and for discharges occurring on or after October 1, 1997, the costs of blood clotting factor for hemophilia inpatients. An additional payment shall be made to a hospital for each unit of blood clotting factor furnished to a CHAMPUS inpatient who is hemophiliac in accordance with the amounts established under the Medicare Prospective Payment System ( 42 CFR 412.115 ).
(D) Hospitals subject to the CHAMPUS DRG-based payment system.
All hospitals within the fifty states, the District of Columbia, and Puerto Rico which are certified to provide services to CHAMPUS beneficiaries are subject to the DRG-based payment system except for the following hospitals or hospital units which are exempt.
(1) Psychiatric hospitals. A psychiatric hospital which is exempt from the Medicare Prospective Payment System is also exempt from the CHAMPUS DRG-based payment system. In order for a psychiatric hospital which does not participate in Medicare to be exempt from the CHAMPUS DRG-based payment system, it must meet the same criteria (as determined by the Director, OCHAMPUS, or a designee) as required for exemption from the Medicare Prospective Payment System as contained in 42 CFR 412.23.
(2) Rehabilitation hospitals. A rehabilitation hospital which is exempt from the Medicare Prospective Payment System is also exempt from the CHAMPUS DRG-based payment system. In order for a rehabilitation hospital which does not participate in Medicare to be exempt from the CHAMPUS DRG-based payment system, it must meet the same criteria (as determined by the Director, OCHAMPUS, or a designee) as required for exemption from the Medicare Prospective Payment System as contained in 42 CFR 412.23.
(3) Psychiatric and rehabilitation units (distinct parts). A psychiatric or rehabilitation unit which is exempt from the Medicare prospective payment system is also exempt from the CHAMPUS DRG-based payment system. In order for a distinct unit which does not participate in Medicare to be exempt from the CHAMPUS DRG-based payment system, it must meet the same criteria (as determined by the Director, OCHAMPUS, or a designee) as required for exemption from the Medicare Prospective Payment System as contained in 42 CFR 412.23.
(4) Long-term hospitals. A long-term hospital which is exempt from the Medicare prospective payment system is also exempt from the CHAMPUS DRG-based payment system. In order for a long-term hospital which does not participate in Medicare to be exempt from the CHAMPUS DRG-based payment system, it must meet the same criteria (as determined by the Director, TSO, or a designee) as required for exemption from the Medicare Prospective Payment System as contained in § 412.23 of Title 42 CFR.
(5) Hospitals within hospitals. A hospital within a hospital which is exempt from the Medicare prospective payment system is also exempt from the CHAMPUS DRG-based payment system. In order for a hospital within a hospital which does not participate in Medicare to be exempt from the CHAMPUS DRG-based payment system, it must meet the same criteria (as determined by the Director, TSO, or a designee) as required for exemption from the Medicare Prospective Payment System as contained in 42 CFR 412.22 and the criteria for one or more of the excluded hospital classifications described in § 412.23 of Title 42 CFR.
(6) Sole community hospitals. Any hospital which has qualified for special treatment under the Medicare prospective payment system as a sole community hospital and has not given up that classification is exempt from the CHAMPUS DRG-based payment system. (See subpart G of 42 CFR part 412.)
(7) Christian Science sanitoriums. All Christian Science sanitoriums (as defined in paragraph (b)(4)(viii) of § 199.6) are exempt from the CHAMPUS DRG-based payment system.
(8) Cancer hospitals. Any hospital which qualifies as a cancer hospital under the Medicare standards and has elected to be exempt from the Medicare prospective payment system is exempt from the CHAMPUS DRG-based payment system. (See 42 CFR 412.94.)
(9) Hospitals outside the 50 states, the District of Columbia, and Puerto Rico. A hospital is excluded from the CHAMPUS DRG-based payment system if it is not located in one of the fifty States, the District of Colubmia, or Puerto Rico.
(10) CAHs. Effective December 1, 2009, any facility which has been designated and certified as a CAH as contained in 42 CFR Part 485.606 is exempt from the CHAMPUS DRG-based payment system.
(E) Hospitals which do not participate in Medicare.
It is not required that a hospital be a Medicare-participating provider in order to be an authorized CHAMPUS provider. However, any hospital which is subject to the CHAMPUS DRG-based payment system and which otherwise meets CHAMPUS requirements but which is not a Medicare-participating provider (having completed a form HCFA-1514, Hospital Request for Certification in the Medicare/Medicaid Program and a form HCFA-1561, Health Insurance Benefit Agreement) must complete a participation agreement with OCHAMPUS. By completing the participation agreement, the hospital agrees to participate on all CHAMPUS inpatient claims and to accept the CHAMPUS-determined allowable amount as payment in full for these claims. Any hospital which does not participate in Medicare and does not complete a participation agreement with OCHAMPUS will not be authorized to provide services to CHAMPUS beneficiaries.
(F) Substance Use Disorder Rehabilitation facilities.
With admissions on or after July 1, 1995, substance use disorder rehabilitation facilities, authorized under § 199.6(b)(4)(xiv), are subject to the DRG-based payment system.
(iii) Determination of payment amounts.
The actual payment for an individual claim under the CHAMPUS DRG-based payment system is calculated by multiplying the appropriate adjusted standardized amount (adjusted to account for area wage differences using the wage indexes used in the Medicare program) by a weighting factor specific to each DRG.
(A) Calculation of DRG weights—
(1) Grouping of charges. All discharge records in the database shall be grouped by DRG.
(2) Remove DRGs 469 and 470. Records from DRGs 469 and 470 shall be removed from the database.
(3) Indirect medical education standardization. To standardize the charges for the cost effects of indirect medical education factors, each teaching hospital's charges will be divided by 1.0 plus the following ratio on a hospital-specific basis:
Code of Federal Regulations
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(4) Wage level standardization. To standardize the charge records for area wage differences, each charge record will be divided into labor-related and nonlabor-related portions, and the labor-related portion shall be divided by the most recently available Medicare wage index for the area. The labor-related and nonlabor-related portions will then be added together.
(5) Elimination of statistical outliers. All unusually high or low charges shall be removed from the database.
(6) Calculation of DRG average charge. After the standardization for indirect medical education, and area wage differences, an average charge for each DRG shall be computed by summing charges in a DRG and dividing that sum by the number of records in the DRG.
(7) Calculation of national average charge per discharge. A national average charge per discharge shall be calculated by summing all charges and dividing that sum by the total number of records from all DRG categories.
(8) DRG relative weights. DRG relative weights shall be calculated for each DRG category by dividing each DRG average charge by the national average charge.
(B) Empty and low-volume DRGs.
For any DRG with less than ten (10) occurrences in the CHAMPUS database, the Director, TSO, or designee, has the authority to consider alternative methods for estimating CHAMPUS weights in these low-volume DRG categories.
(C) Updating DRG weights.
The CHAMPUS DRG weights shall be updated or adjusted as follows:
(1) DRG weights shall be recalculated annually using CHAMPUS charge data and the methodology described in paragraph (a)(1)(iii)(A) of this section.
(2) When a new DRG is created, CHAMPUS will, if practical, calculate a weight for it using an appropriate charge sample (if available) and the methodology described in paragraph (a)(1)(iii)(A) of this section.
(3) In the case of any other change under Medicare to an existing DRG weight (such as in connection with technology changes), CHAMPUS shall adjust its weight for that DRG in a manner comparable to the change made by Medicare.
(D) Calculation of the adjusted standardized amounts.
The following procedures shall be followed in calculating the CHAMPUS adjusted standardized amounts. (1) Differentiate large urban and other area charges. All charges in the database shall be sorted into large urban and other area groups (using the same definitions for these categories used in the Medicare program. The following procedures will be applied to each group.
(2) Indirect medical education standardization. To standardize the charges for the cost effects of indirect medical education factors, each teaching hospital's charges will be divided by 1.0 plus the following ratio on a hospital-specific basis:
Code of Federal Regulations
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(3) Wage level standardization. To standardize the charge records for area wage differences, each charge record will be divided into labor-related and nonlabor-related portions, and the labor-related portion shall be divided by the most recently available Medicare wage index for the area. The labor-related and nonlabor-related portions will then be added together.
(4) Apply the cost to charge ratio. Each charge is to be reduced to a representative cost by using the Medicare cost to charge ratio. This amount shall be increased by 1 percentage point in order to reimburse hospitals for bad debt expenses attributable to CHAMPUS beneficiaries.
(5) Preliminary base year standardized amount. A preliminary base year standardized amount shall be calculated by summing all costs in the database applicable to the large urban or other area group and dividing by the total number of discharges in the respective group.
(6) Update for inflation. The preliminary base year standardized amounts shall be updated using an annual update factor equal to 1.07 to produce fiscal year 1988 preliminary standardized amounts. Therefore, any development of a new standardized amount will use an inflation factor equal to the hospital market basket index used by the Health Care Financing Administration in their Prospective Payment System.
(7) The preliminary standardized amounts, updated for inflation, shall be divided by a system standardization factor so that total DRG outlays, given the database distribution across hospitals and diagnosis, are equal to the total charges reduced to costs.
(8) Labor and nonlabor portions of the adjusted standardized amounts. The adjusted standardized amounts shall be divided into labor and nonlabor portions in accordance with the Medicare division of labor and nonlabor portions.
(E) Adjustments to the DRG-based payments amounts.
The following adjustments to the DRG-based amounts (the weight multiplied by the adjusted standardized amount) will be made.
(1) Outliers. The DRG-based payment to a hospital shall be adjusted for atypical cases. These outliers are those cases that have either an unusually short length-of-stay or extremely long length-of-stay or that involve extraordinarily high costs when compared to most discharges classified in the same DRG. Cases which qualify as both a length-of-stay outlier and a cost outlier shall be paid at the rate which results in the greater payment.
(i) Length-of-stay outliers. Length-of-stay outliers shall be identified and paid by the fiscal intermediary when the claims are processed.
(A) Short-stay outliers. Any discharge with a length-of-stay (LOS) less than 1.94 standard deviations from the DRG's arithmetic LOS shall be classified as a short-stay outlier. Short-stay outliers shall be reimbursed at 200 percent of the per diem rate for the DRG for each covered day of the hospital stay, not to exceed the DRG amount. The per diem rate shall equal the DRG amount divided by the arithmetic mean length-of-stay for the DRG.
(B) Long-stay outliers. Any discharge (except for neonatal services and services in children's hospitals) which has a length-of-stay (LOS) exceeding a threshold established in accordance with the criteria used for the Medicare Prospective Payment System as contained in 42 CFR 412.82 shall be classified as a long-stay outlier. Any discharge for neonatal services or for services in a children's hospital which has a LOS exceeding the lesser of 1.94 standard deviations or 17 days from the DRG's arithmetic mean LOS also shall be classified as a long-stay outlier. Long-stay outliers shall be reimbursed the DRG-based amount plus a percentage (as established for the Medicare Prospective Payment System) of the per diem rate for the DRG for each covered day of care beyond the long-stay outlier threshold. The per diem rate shall equal the DRG amount divided by the arithmetic mean LOS for the DRG. For admissions on or after October 1, 1997, the long stay outlier has been eliminated for all cases except children's hospitals and neonates. For admissions on or after October 1, 1998, the long stay outlier has been eliminated for children's hospitals and neonates.
(ii) Cost outliers. Additional payment for cost outliers shall be made only upon request by the hospital.
(A) Cost outliers except those in children's hospitals or for neonatal services. Any discharge which has standardized costs that exceed a threshold established in accordance with the criteria used for the Medicare Prospective Payment System as contained in 42 CFR 412.84 shall qualify as a cost outlier. The standardized costs shall be calculated by multiplying the total charges by the factor described in paragraph (a)(1)(iii)(D)(4) of this section and adjusting this amount for indirect medical education costs. Cost outliers shall be reimbursed the DRG-based amount plus a percentage (as established for the Medicare Prospective Payment System) of all costs exceeding the threshold. Effective with admissions occurring on or after October 1, 1997, the standardized costs are no longer adjusted for indirect medical education costs.
(B) Cost outliers in children's hospitals for neonatal services. Any discharge for services in a children's hospital or for neonatal services which has standardized costs that exceed a threshold of the greater of two times the DRG-based amount or $13,500 shall qualify as a cost outlier. The standardized costs shall be calculated by multiplying the total charges by the factor described in paragraph (a)(1) (iii) (D) (4) of this section (adjusted to include average capital and direct medical education costs) and adjusting this amount for indirect medical education costs. Cost outliers for services in children's hospitals and for neonatal services shall be reimbursed the DRG-based amount plus a percentage (as established for the Medicare Prospective Payment System) of all costs exceeding the threshold. Effective with admissions occurring on or after October 1, 1998, standardized costs are no longer adjusted for indirect medical education costs. In addition, CHAMPUS will calculate the outlier payments that would have occurred at each of the 59 Children's hospitals under the FY99 outlier policy for all cases that would have been outliers under the FY94 policies using the most accurate data available in September 1998. A ratio will be calculated which equals the level of outlier payments that would have been made under the FY94 outlier policies and the outlier payments that would be made if the FY99 outlier policies had applied to each of these potential outlier cases for these hospitals. The ratio will be calculated across all outlier claims for the 59 hospitals and will not be hospital specific. The ratio will be used to increase cost outlier payments in FY 1999 and FY 2000, unless the hospital has a negotiated agreement with a managed care support contractor which would affect this payment. For hospitals with managed care support agreements which affect these payments, CHAMPUS will apply these payments if the increased payments would be consistent with the agreements. In FY 2000 the ratio of outlier payments (long stay and cost) that would have occurred under the FY 94 policy and actual cost outlier payments made under the FY 99 policy will be recalculated. If the ratio has changed significantly, the ratio will be revised for use in FY 2001 and thereafter. In FY 2002, the actual cost outlier cases in FY 2000 and 2001 will be reexamined. The ratio of outlier payments that would have occurred under the FY94 policy and the actual cost outlier payments made under the FY 2000 and FY 2001 policies. If the ratio has changed significantly, the ratio will be revised for use in FY 2003.
(C) Cost outliers for burn cases. All cost outliers for DRGs related to burn cases shall be reimbursed the DRG-based amount plus a percentage (as established for the Medicare Prospective Payment System) of all costs exceeding the threshold. The standardized costs and thresholds for these cases shall be calculated in accordance with § 199.14(a)(1)(iii)(E) (1 )(ii )(A) and § 199.14(a)(1)(iii)(E) (1 )(ii )(B ).
(2) Wage adjustment. CHAMPUS will adjust the labor portion of the standardized amounts according to the hospital's area wage index.
(3) Indirect medical education adjustment. The wage adjusted DRG payment will also be multiplied by 1.0 plus the hospital's indirect medical education ratio.
(4) Children's hospital differential. With respect to claims from children's hospitals, the appropriate adjusted standardized amount shall also be adjusted by a children's hospital differential.
(i) Qualifying children's hospitals. Hospitals qualifying for the children's hospital differential are hospitals that are exempt from the Medicare Prospective Payment System, or, in the case of hospitals that do not participate in Medicare, that meet the same criteria (as determined by the Director, OCHAMPUS, or a designee) as required for exemption from the Medicare Prospective Payment System as contained in 42 CFR 412.23.
(ii) Calculation of differential. The differential shall be equal to the difference between a specially calculated children's hospital adjusted standardized amount and the adjusted standardized amount for fiscal year 1988. The specially calculated children's hospital adjusted standardized amount shall be calculated in the same manner as set forth in § 199.14(a)(1)(iii)(D), except that:
(A) The base period shall be fiscal year 1988 and shall represent total estimated charges for discharges that occurred during fiscal year 1988.
(B) No cost to charge ratio shall be applied.
(C) Capital costs and direct medical education costs will be included in the calculation.
(D) The factor used to update the database for inflation to produce the fiscal year 1988 base period amount shall be the applicable Medicare inpatient hospital market basket rate.
(iii) Transition rule. Until March 1, 1992, separate differentials shall be used for each higher volume children's hospital (individually) and for all other children's hospitals (in the aggregate). For this purpose, a higher volume hospital is a hospital that had 50 or more CHAMPUS discharges in fiscal year 1988.
(iv) Hold harmless provision. At such time as the weights initially assigned to neonatal DRGs are recalibrated based on sufficient volume of CHAMPUS claims records, children's hospital differentials shall be recalculated and appropriate retrospective and prospective adjustments shall be made. To the extent practicable, the recalculation shall also include reestimated values of other factors (including but not limited to direct education and capital costs and indirect education factors) for which more accurate data became available.
(v) No update for inflation. The children's hospital differential, calculated (and later recalculated under the hold harmless provision) for the base period of fiscal year 1988, shall not be updated for subsequent fiscal years.
(vi) Administrative corrections. In connection with determinations pursuant to paragraph (a)(1)(iii) (E)(4 )(iii) of this section, any children's hospital that believes OCHAMPUS erroneously failed to classify the hospital as a high volume hospital or incorrectly calculated (in the case of a high volume hospital) the hospital's differential may obtain administrative corrections by submitting appropriate documentation to the Director, OCHAMPUS (or a designee).
(F) Updating the adjusted standardized amounts.
Beginning in FY 1989, the adjusted standardized amounts will be updated by the Medicare annual update factor, unless the adjusted standardized amounts are recalculated.
(G) Annual cost pass-throughs—
(1) Capital costs. When requested in writing by a hospital, CHAMPUS shall reimburse the hospital its share of actual capital costs as reported annually to the CHAMPUS fiscal intermediary. Payment for capital costs shall be made annually based on the ratio of CHAMPUS inpatient days for those beneficiaries subject to the CHAMPUS DRG-based payment system to total inpatient days applied to the hospital's total allowable capital costs. Reductions in payments for capital costs which are required under Medicare shall also be applied to payments for capital costs under CHAMPUS.
(i) Costs included as capital costs. Allowable capital costs are those specified in Medicare Regulation § 413.130, as modified by § 412.72.
(ii) Services, facilities, or supplies provided by supplying organizations. If services, facilities, or supplies are provided to the hospital by a supplying organization related to the hospital within the meaning of Medicare Regulation § 413.17, then the hospital must include in its capital-related costs, the capital-related costs of the supplying organization. However, if the supplying organization is not related to the provider within the meaning of § 413.17, no part of the change to the provider may be considered a capital-related cost unless the services, facilities, or supplies are capital-related in nature and:
(A) The capital-related equipment is leased or rented by the provider;
(B) The capital-related equipment is located on the provider's premises; and
(C) The capital-related portion of the charge is separately specified in the charge to the provider.
(2) Direct medical education costs. When requested in writing by a hospital, CHAMPUS shall reimburse the hospital its actual direct medical education costs as reported annually to the CHAMPUS fiscal intermediary. Such teaching costs must be for a teaching program approved under Medicare Regulation § 413.85. Payment for direct medical education costs shall be made annually based on the ratio of CHAMPUS inpatient days for those beneficiaries subject to the CHAMPUS DRG-based payment system to total inpatient days applied to the hospital's total allowable direct medical education costs. Allowable direct medical education costs are those specified in Medicare Regulation § 413.85.
(3) Information necessary for payment of capital and direct medical education costs. All hospitals subject to the CHAMPUS DRG-based payment system, except for children's hospitals, may be reimbursed for allowed capital and direct medical education costs by submitting a request to the CHAMPUS contractor. Beginning October 1, 1998, such request shall be filed with CHAMPUS on or before the last day of the twelfth month following the close of the hospitals' cost reporting period, and shall cover the one-year period corresponding to the hospital's Medicare cost-reporting period. The first such request may cover a period of less than a full year—from the effective date of the CHAMPUS DRG-based payment system to the end of the hospital's Medicare cost-reporting period. All costs reported to the CHAMPUS contractor must correspond to the costs reported on the hospital's Medicare cost report. An extension of the due date for filing the request may only be granted if an extension has been granted by HCFA due to a provider's operations being significantly adversely affected due to extraordinary circumstances over which the provider has no control, such as flood or fire. (If these costs change as a result of a subsequent audit by Medicare, the revised costs are to be reported to the hospital's CHAMPUS contractor within 30 days of the date the hospital is notified of the change). The request must be signed by the hospital official responsible for verifying the amounts and shall contain the following information.
(i) The hospital's name.
(ii) The hospital's address.
(iii) The hospital's CHAMPUS provider number.
(iv) The hospital's Medicare provider number.
(v) The period covered—this must correspond to the hospital's Medicare cost-reporting period.
(vi) Total inpatient days provided to all patients in units subject to DRG-based payment.
(vii) Total allowed CHAMPUS inpatient days provided in units subject to DRG-based payment.
(viii) Total allowable capital costs.
(ix) Total allowable direct medical education costs.
(x) Total full-time equivalents for:
(A) Residents.
(B) Interns.
(xi) Total inpatient beds as of the end of the cost-reporting period. If this has changed during the reporting period, an explanation of the change must be provided.
(xii) Title of official signing the report.
(xiii) Reporting date.
(xiv) The report shall contain a certification statement that any changes to the items in paragraphs (a)(1)(iii)(G)(3 )(vi ), (vii ), (viii ), (ix ), or (x ), which are a result of an audit of the hospital's Medicare cost-report, shall be reported to CHAMPUS within thirty (30) days of the date the hospital is notified of the change.
(2) CHAMPUS mental health per diem payment system.
The CHAMPUS mental health per diem payment system shall be used to reimburse for inpatient mental health hospital care in specialty psychiatric hospitals and units. Payment is made on the basis of prospectively determined rates and paid on a per diem basis. The system uses two sets of per diems. One set of per diems applies to hospitals and units that have a relatively higher number of CHAMPUS discharges. For these hospitals and units, the system uses hospital-specific per diem rates. The other set of per diems applies to hospitals and units with a relatively lower number of CHAMPUS discharges. For these hospitals and units, the system uses regional per diems, and further provides for adjustments for area wage differences and indirect medical education costs and additional pass-through payments for direct medical education costs.
(i) Applicability of the mental health per diem payment system—
(A) Hospitals and units covered.
The CHAMPUS mental health per diem payment system applies to services covered (see paragraph (a)(2)(i)(B) of this section) that are provided in Medicare prospective payment system (PPS) exempt psychiatric specialty hospitals and all Medicare PPS exempt psychiatric specialty units of other hospitals. In addition, any psychiatric hospital that does not participate in Medicare, or any other hospital that has a psychiatric specialty unit that has not been so designated for exemption from the Medicare prospective payment system because the hospital does not participate in Medicare, may be designated as a psychiatric hospital or psychiatric specialty unit for purposes of the CHAMPUS mental health per diem payment system upon demonstrating that it meets the same criteria (as determined by the Director, OCHAMPUS) as required for the Medicare exemption. The CHAMPUS mental health per diem payment system does not apply to mental health services provided in other hospitals.
(B) Services covered.
Unless specifically exempted, all covered hospitals' and units' inpatient claims which are classified into a mental health DRG (DRG categories 425-432, but not DRG 424) or an alcohol/drug abuse DRG (DRG categories 433-437) shall be subject to the mental health per diem payment system.
(ii) Hospital-specific per diems for higher volume hospitals and units.
This paragraph describes the per diem payment amounts for hospitals and units with a higher volume of CHAMPUS discharges.
(1) Per diem amount. A hospital-specific per diem amount shall be calculated for each hospital and unit with a higher volume of CHAMPUS discharges. The base period per diem amount shall be equal to the hospital's average daily charge in the base period. The base period amount, however, may not exceed the cap described in paragraph (a)(2)(ii)(B) of this section. The base period amount shall be updated in accordance with paragraph (a)(2)(iv) of this section.
(2) In states that have implemented a payment system in connection with which hospitals in that state have been exempted from the CHAMPUS DRG-based payment system pursuant to paragraph (a)(1)(ii)(A) of this section, psychiatric hospitals and units may have per diem amounts established based on the payment system applicable to such hospitals and units in the state. The per diem amount, however, may not exceed the cap amount applicable to other higher volume hospitals.
(B) Cap—
(1) As it affects payment for care provided to patients prior to April 6, 1995, the base period per diem amount may not exceed the 80th percentile of the average daily charge weighted for all discharges throughout the United States from all higher volume hospitals.
(2) Applicable to payments for care provided to patients on or after April 6, 1996, the base period per diem amount may not exceed the 70th percentile of the average daily charge weighted for all discharges throughout the United States from all higher volume hospitals. For this purpose, base year charges shall be deemed to be charges during the period of July 1, 1991 to June 30, 1992, adjusted to correspond to base year (FY 1988) charges by the percentage change in average daily charges for all higher volume hospitals and units between the period of July 1, 1991 to June 30, 1992 and the base year.
(C) Review of per diem.
Any hospital or unit which believes OCHAMPUS calculated a hospital-specific per diem which differs by more than $5.00 from that calculated by the hospital or unit may apply to the Director, OCHAMPUS, or a designee, for a recalculation. The burden of proof shall be on the hospital.
(iii) Regional per diems for lower volume hospitals and units.
This paragraph describes the per diem amounts for hospitals and units with a lower volume of CHAMPUS discharges.
(A) Per diem amounts.
Hospitals and units with a lower volume of CHAMPUS patients shall be paid on the basis of a regional per diem amount, adjusted for area wages and indirect medical education. Base period regional per diems shall be calculated based upon all CHAMPUS lower volume hospitals' claims paid during the base period. Each regional per diem amount shall be the quotient of all covered charges divided by all covered days of care, reported on all CHAMPUS claims from lower volume hospitals in the region paid during the base period, after having standardized for indirect medical education costs and area wage indexes and subtracted direct medical education costs. Regional per diem amounts are adjusted in accordance with paragraph (a)(2)(iii)(C) of this section. Additional pass-through payments to lower volume hospitals are made in accordance with paragraph (a)(2)(iii)(D) of this section. The regions shall be the same as the Federal census regions.
(B) Review of per diem amount.
Any hospital that believes the regional per diem amount applicable to that hospital has been erroneously calculated by OCHAMPUS by more than $5.00 may submit to the Director, OCHAMPUS, or a designee, evidence supporting a different regional per diem. The burden of proof shall be on the hospital.
(C) Adjustments to regional per diems.
Two adjustments shall be made to the regional per diem rates.
(1) Area wage index. The same area wage indexes used for the CHAMPUS DRG-based payment system (see paragraph (a)(1)(iii)(E)(2) of this section) shall be applied to the wage portion of the applicable regional per diem rate for each day of the admission. The wage portion shall be the same as that used for the CHAMPUS DRG-based payment system.
(2) Indirect medical education. The indirect medical education adjustment factors shall be calculated for teaching hospitals in the same manner as is used in the CHAMPUS DRG-based payment system (see paragraph (a)(1)(iii)(E)(3) of this section) and applied to the applicable regional per diem rate for each day of the admission.
(D) Annual cost pass-through for direct medical education.
In addition to payments made to lower volume hospitals under paragraph (a)(2)(iii) of this section, CHAMPUS shall annually reimburse hospitals for actual direct medical education costs associated with services to CHAMPUS beneficiaries. This reimbursement shall be done pursuant to the same procedures as are applicable to the CHAMPUS DRG-based payment system (see paragraph (a)(1)(iii)(G) of this section).
(iv) Base period and update factors—
(A) Base period.
The base period for calculating the hospital-specific and regional per diems, as described in paragraphs (a)(2)(ii) and (a)(2)(iii) of this section, is Federal fiscal year 1988. Base period calculations shall be based on actual claims paid during the period July 1, 1987 through May 31, 1988, trended forward to represent the 12-month period ending September 30, 1988 on the basis of the Medicare inpatient hospital market basket rate.
(B) Alternative hospital-specific data base.
Upon application of a higher volume hospital or unit to the Director, OCHAMPUS, or a designee, the hospital or unit may have its hospital-specific base period calculations based on claims with a date of discharge (rather than date of payment) between July 1, 1987 through May 31, 1988 if it has generally experienced unusual delays in claims payments and if the use of such an alternative data base would result in a difference in the per diem amount of at least $5.00. For this purpose, the unusual delays means that the hospital's or unit's average time period between date of discharge and date of payment is more than two standard deviations longer than the national average.