For purposes of this part, the following terms have the meanings as indicated:
Agency or CIA means the United States Central Intelligence Agency acting through the CIA Information and Privacy Coordinator;
Authorized holders means any member of any United States executive department, military department, the Congress, or the judiciary (Article III) who holds a security clearance from or has been specifically authorized by the Central Intelligence Agency to possess and use on official business classified information, or otherwise has Constitutional authority pursuant to their office;
Ddays means calendar days when the Agency is operating and specifically excludes Saturdays, Sundays, and legal public holidays. Three (3) days may be added to any time limit imposed on a requester by this CFR part if responding by U.S. domestic mail; ten (10) days may be added if responding by international mail;
Challenge means a request in the individual's official, not personal, capacity and in furtherance of the interests of the United States;
Control means ownership or the authority of the CIA pursuant to federal statute or privilege to regulate official or public access to records;
Coordinator means the CIA Information and Privacy Coordinator acting in the capacity of Executive Secretary of the Agency Release Panel;
Information means any knowledge that can be communicated or documentary material, regardless of its physical form, that is:
Owned by, produced by or for, or under the control of the United States Government, and
Lawfully and actually in the possession of an authorized holder and for which ownership and control has not been relinquished by the CIA;
Interested party means any official in the executive, military, congressional, or judicial branches of government, United States or foreign, or U.S. Government contractor who, in the sole discretion of the CIA, has a subject matter or physical interest in the documents or information at issue;
Originator means the CIA officer who originated the information at issue, or successor in office, or a CIA officer who has been delegated declassification authority for the information at issue in accordance with the provisions of this Order;
This Order means Executive Order 12958 of April 17, 1995 and published at 60 FR 19825 -19843 (or successor Orders).