1701.1—Purpose, scope, applicability.
(a) Purpose.
This subpart establishes the policies and procedures the Office of the Director of National Intelligence (ODNI) will follow in implementing the requirements of the Privacy Act of 1974, 5 U.S.C. 552a, as amended. This subpart sets forth the procedures ODNI must follow in collecting and maintaining personal information from or about individuals, as well as procedures by which individuals may request to access or amend records about themselves and request an accounting of disclosures of those records by the ODNI. In addition, this subpart details parameters for disclosing personally identifiable information to persons other than the subject of a record.
(b) Scope.
The provisions of this subpart apply to all records in systems of records maintained by ODNI directorates, centers, mission managers and other sub-organizations [hereinafter called “components”] that are retrieved by an individual's name or personal identifier.
(c) Applicability.
This subpart governs the following individuals and entities:
All ODNI staff and components must comply with this subpart. The terms “staff” and “component” are defined in § 1701.2.
Unless specifically exempted, this subpart also applies to advisory committees and councils within the meaning of the Federal Advisory Committee Act (FACA) which provide advice to: Any official or component of ODNI; or the President, and for which ODNI has been delegated responsibility for providing service.
(d) Relation to Freedom of Information Act.
The ODNI shall provide a subject individual under this subpart all records which are otherwise accessible to such individual under the provisions of the Freedom of Information Act, 5 U.S.C. 552.