(a) General.
DoD Directive 5200.8 1 outlines the authority of military commanders under the Internal Security Act of 1950 to issue orders and regulations for the protection of property or places under their command. Essential to carrying out this responsibility is a commander's need to protect the command against the action of untrustworthy persons. Normally, the investigative requirements prescribed in this part should suffice to enable a commander to determine the trustworthiness of individuals whose duties require access to classified information or appointment to positions that are sensitive and do not involve such access. However, there are certain categories of positions or duties which, although not requiring access to classified information, if performed by untrustworthy persons, could enable them to jeopardize the security of the command or otherwise endanger the national security. The investigative requirements for such positions or duties are detailed in this section.
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1 See footnote 1 to § 154.2(c)
(b) Access to restricted areas, sensitive information or equipment not involving access to classified information.
Access to restricted areas, sensitive information or equipment by DoD military, civilian or contractor personnel shall be limited to those individuals who have been determined trustworthy as a result of the favorable completion of a NAC (or ENTNAC) or who are under the escort of appropriately cleared personnel. Where escorting such persons is not feasible, a NAC shall be conducted and favorably reviewed by the appropriate component agency or activity prior to permitting such access. DoD Components shall not request, and shall not direct or permit their contractors to request, security clearances to permit access to areas when access to classified information is not required in the normal course of duties or which should be precluded by appropriate security measures. In determining trustworthiness under this paragraph, the provisions of § 154.7 and appendix H will be utilized.
In meeting the requirements of this paragraph, approval shall be obtained from one of the authorities designated in paragraph A, appendix E of this part, for authority to request NACs on DoD military, civilian or contractor employees. A justification shall accompany each request which shall detail the reasons why escorted access would not better serve the national security. Requests for investigative requirements beyond a NAC shall be forwarded to the Deputy Under Secretary of Defense for Policy for approval.
Be forwarded to DIS in accordance with the provisions of paragraph B, appendix C,
Contain a reference to this paragraph on the DD Form 398-2, and
List the authority in appendix E who approved the request.
Determinations to deny access under the provisions of this paragraph must not be exercised in an arbitrary, capricious, or discriminatory manner and shall be the responsibility of the military or installation commander as provided for in DoD Directive 5200.8.
(c) Nonappropriated fund employees.
Each Nonappropriated Fund employee who is employed in a position of trust as designated by an official authorized in paragraph H, appendix E, shall have been the subject of a NAC completed no longer than 12 months prior to employment or a prior personnel security investigation with no break in Federal service or employment greater than 12 months in accordance with DoD Manual 1401.1-M. An individual who does not meet established suitability requirements may not be employed without prior approval of the authorizing official. Issuance of a Confidential or Secret clearance will be based on a DNACI or NACI in accordance with § 154.16(b).
(d) Customs inspectors.
DoD employees appointed as customs inspectors, under waivers approved in accordance with DoD 5030.49-R shall have undergone a favorably adjudicated NAC completed within the past 5 years unless there has been a break in DoD employment greater than 1 year in which case a current NAC is required.
(e) Red Cross/United Service Organizations personnel.
A favorably adjudicated NAC shall be accomplished on Red Cross or United Service Organizations personnel as prerequisite for assignment with the Armed Forces overseas ( 32 CFR part 253 ).
(f) Officials authorized to issue security clearances.
Any person authorized to adjudicate personnel security clearances shall have been the subject of a favorably adjudicated BI.
(g) Personnel security clearance adjudication officials.
Any person selected to serve with a board, committee, or other group responsible for adjudicating personnel security cases shall have been the subject of a favorably adjudicated BI.
(h) Persons requiring DoD building passes.
Pursuant to DoD Directive 5210.46 1 each person determined by the designated authorities of the Components concerned as having an official need for access to DoD buildings in the National Capital Region shall be the subject of a favorably, adjudicated NAC prior to issuance of a DoD building pass. Conduct of a BI for this purpose is prohibited unless approved in advance by ODUSD(P).
Code of Federal Regulations
1 See footnote 1 to § 154.2(c)
(i) Foreign national employees overseas not requiring access to classified information.
Foreign nationals employed by DoD organizations overseas, whose duties do not require access to classified information, shall be the subject of the following record checks, initiated by the appropriate military department investigative organization consistent with § 154.9(e) prior to employment:
Host government law enforcement and security agency checks at the city, state (province), and national level, whenever permissible by the laws of the host government; and
FBI-HQ/ID. (Where information exists regarding residence by the foreign national in the United States for one year or more since age 18).
(j) Special agents and investigative support personnel.
Special agents and those noninvestigative personnel assigned to investigative agencies whose official duties require continuous access to complete investigative files and material require an SBI.
(k) Persons requiring access to chemical agents.
Personnel whose duties involve access to or security of chemical agents shall be screened initially for suitability and reliability and shall be evaluated on a continuing basis at the supervisory level to ensure that they continue to meet the high standards required. At a minimum, all such personnel shall have had a favorably adjudicated NAC completed within the last 5 years prior to assignment in accordance with the provisions of DoD Directive 5210.65. 1
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1 See footnote 1 to § 154.2(c)
(l) Education and orientation personnel.
Persons selected for duties in connection with programs involving the education and orientation of military personnel shall have been the subject of a favorably adjudicated NAC prior to such assignment. This does not include teachers/administrators associated with university extension courses conducted on military installations in the United States. Non-US citizens from a country listed in appendix G shall be required to undergo a BI if they are employed in a position covered by this paragraph.
(m) Contract guards.
Any person performing contract guard functions shall have been the subject of a favorably adjudicated NAC prior to such assignment.
(n) Transportation of arms, ammunition and explosives (AA&E).
Any DoD military, civilian or contract employee (including commercial carrier) operating a vehicle or providing security to a vehicle transporting Category I, II or Confidential AA&E shall have been the subject of a favorably adjudicated NAC or ENTNAC.
(o) Personnel occupying information systems positions designated ADP-I, ADP-II & ADP-III.
DoD military, civilian personnel, consultants, and contractor personnel performing on unclassified automated information systems may be assigned to one of three position sensitivity designations (in accordance with appendix J) and investigated as follows:
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Those personnel falling in the above categories who require access to classified information will, of course, be subject to the appropriate investigative scope contained in § 154.16(b)
(p) Others.
Requests for approval to conduct an investigation on other personnel, not provided for in § 154.18 (b) through (o) considered to fall within the general provisions of § 154.18(a) shall be submitted, detailing the justification therefor, for approval to the Deputy Under Secretary of Defense for Policy. Approval of such requests shall be contingent upon an assurance that appropriate review procedures exist and that adverse determinations will be made at no lower than major command level.