All of the following transactions in connection with patent, trademark, copyright or other intellectual property protection in the United States or Iran are authorized:
The filing and prosecution of any application to obtain a patent, trademark, copyright or other form of intellectual property protection, including importation of or dealing in Iranian-origin services, payment for such services, and payment to persons in Iran directly connected to such intellectual property protection;
The receipt of a patent, trademark, copyright or other form of intellectual property protection;
The renewal or maintenance of a patent, trademark, copyright or other form of intellectual property protection; and
The filing and prosecution of opposition or infringement proceedings with respect to a patent, trademark, copyright or other form of intellectual property protection, or the entrance of a defense to any such proceedings.
Nothing in this section affects obligations under any other provision of law.
Code of Federal Regulations
[60 FR 47063, Sept. 11, 1995, as amended at 64 FR 20174, Apr. 26, 1999]