50.92—Determination of pro rata share.
o rata loss percentage
(PRLP) is the percentage determined by the
Secretary to be applied by an insurer against the
amount that would otherwise be paid by the insurer
under the terms and conditions of an insurance
policy providing property and casualty insurance
under the Program if there were no cap on annual
liability under section 103(e)(2)(A) of the
Except as provided in paragraph (e) of this
section, if Treasury estimates that aggregate
insured losses may exceed the cap on annual
liability for a Program Year, then Treasury will
determine a PRLP. The PRLP applies to insured loss
payments by insurers for insured losses incurred
in the subject Program Year, as specified in §
50.93, from the effective date of the PRLP, as
established by Treasury, until such time as
Treasury provides notice that the PRLP is revised.
Treasury will determine the PRLP based on the
following considerations:
Estimates of insured losses from insurance
industry statistical organizations;
Any data calls issued by Treasury (see §
50.94 );
Expected reliability and accuracy of
insured loss estimates and likelihood that insured
loss estimates could increase;
Estimates of insured losses and expenses
not included in available statistical
Such other factors as the Secretary
considers important.
Treasury shall provide notice of the
determination of the PRLP through publication in
the Federal Register, or in another
manner Treasury deems appropriate, based upon the
circumstances of the act of terrorism under
As appropriate, Treasury will determine any
revision to a PRLP based on the same
considerations listed in paragraph (b) of this
section, and will provide notice for its
application to insured loss payments.
If Treasury estimates based on an initial
act of terrorism or subsequent act of terrorism
within a Program Year that aggregate insured
losses may exceed the cap on annual liability, but
an appropriate PRLP cannot yet be determined,
Treasury will provide notification advising
insurers of this circumstance and, after
consulting with the relevant State authorities,
may initiate the action described in either
paragraph (e)(1) or (e)(2) of this section.
Call a hiatus in insurer loss payments for
insured losses of up to two weeks. In such a
circumstance, Treasury will determine a PRLP as
quickly as possible. The PRLP, as later
determined, will be effective retroactively as of
the start of the hiatus. Any insured losses
submitted in support of an insurer's claim for the
Federal share of compensation will be reviewed for
the insurer's compliance with pro
rata payments in accordance with the effective
date of the PRLP.
Determine an interim PRLP. (i) An interim
PRLP is an amount determined without the
availability of information necessary for
consideration of all factors listed in § 50.92(b).
It is a conservatively low percentage amount
determined in order to facilitate initial partial
claim payments by insurers after an act of
terrorism and prior to the time that information
becomes available to determine a PRLP based on
consideration of the factors listed in §
In such a circumstance, Treasury will
determine a PRLP to replace the interim PRLP as
quickly as possible. The PRLP, as later
determined, will be effective retroactively as of
the effective date of the interim PRLP. Any
insured losses submitted in support of an
insurer's claim for the Federal share of
compensation will be reviewed for the insurer's
compliance with pro rata payments in
accordance with the effective date of the interim
PRLP, or as later replaced by the PRLP as