26.5—Upgrades and additional environmental information.
Environmental category
upgrades. If the WGMA and the Department of
the Treasury determine that a project would have a
significant impact on the human environment, but
that the level of environmental analysis planned
by the MDB is insufficient, the Department of the
Treasury will instruct the United States Executive
Director of the concerned MDB to request that the
MDB upgrade the project to an environmental
category requiring additional environmental
analysis. Members of the public may call the MDB
Office to inquire about upgrade requests for
specific projects.
Additional environmental
information. (1) If the WGMA and the
Department of the Treasury determine on the basis
of the first WGMA review that:
A MDB project would have a significant
impact on the human environment, and
The MDB appears to have made an
appropriate decision that such project merits
environmental analysis, but less than a
full-fledged environmental impact assessment as
defined by that MDB's own procedures, the
Department of the Treasury will obtain, through
the United States Executive Director of the
concerned MDB, such environmental information from
the MDB (e.g., environmental
chapters from project feasibility studies or
environmental data sheets) which contains this
environmental analysis. The MDB Office will
provide this environmental information to the
entities described in § 26.2(a).
If such environmental information is
insufficient to provide an adequate basis for
analyzing the environmental impact of the proposed
project and alternatives to the proposed project,
the Department of the Treasury will instruct the
United States Executive Director of the concerned
MDB not to vote in favor of the project.