Every permit shall describe the location of the
vending facility, including any vending machines
located on other than facility premises, and shall
be subject to the following provisions:
The permit shall be issued in the name of
the applicant State licensing agency which shall
perform the responsibilities set forth in 34 CFR
395.35 (a) ;
The permit shall be issued for an
indefinite period of time subject to suspension or
termination on the basis of compliance or
noncompliance with agreed upon terms.
The permit shall provide that:
No charge shall be made to the State
licensing agency for normal cleaning, maintenance,
and repair of the building structure in and
adjacent to the vending facility areas;
Cleaning necessary for sanitation; the
maintenance of vending facilities and vending
machines in an orderly condition at all times; the
installation, maintenance, repair, replacement,
servicing, and removal of
vending facility equipment shall be without cost
to the Department of the Treasury; and
Articles sold at vending facilities
operated by blind licensees may consist of
newspapers, periodicals, publications,
confections, tobacco products, foods, beverages,
chances for any lottery authorized by State law
and conducted by an agency of a State within such
State, and other articles or services as are
determined by the State licensing agency, in
consultation with the appropriate Treasury bureau,
to be suitable for a particular location. Such
articles and services may be dispensed
automatically or manually and may be prepared on
or off the premises.
The permit shall further provide that
vending facilities shall be operated in compliance
with applicable health, sanitation, and building
codes or ordinances.
The permit shall further provide that
installation, modification, relocation, removal,
and renovation of vending facilities shall be
subject to the prior approval and supervision of
the bureau on-site property management officer of
the appropriate Treasury bureau and the State
licensing agency; that costs of relocations
initiated by the State licensing agency shall be
paid by the State licensing agency; that costs of
relocations initiated by a Treasury bureau shall
be paid by the Treasury bureau; and that all
plumbing, electrical, and mechanical costs related
to the renovation of existing facilities shall be
paid by the appropriate Treasury bureau.
The operation of a cafeteria by a blind
vendor shall be covered by a contractual agreement
and not by a permit. The State licensing agency
shall be expected to perform under the same
contractual arrangement applicable to commercial
cafeteria operators.